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Classic Quotes from JLA #1-10

As collected by Michael Weyer

Issue 1 - January 1997


President: "A miracle, that's all I'm asking. Send me a miracle, lord."

Al: "It's big. Must be a mile across, Rex."
Metamorpho: "Yeah, just about the size of some of the egos soon to be clashing at a Justice League refuge near you."

Protex: "I am Protex. We are the Hyperclan. We've come to save the world."

Metamorpho: "Armek! Zenturion! They sound like a bunch of cheap toys! Why don't they get themselves regular names, like every other joe in spandex?"
Green Lantern: "What, like 'Metamorpho, the Element Man?'"

Green Lantern: "I don't do bubbles. That was the old guy."

Wonder Woman: "Don't stand on ceremony, GL we're in the same league."
Green Lantern: "Says you. I can't handle this. It's like playing with the Beatles."

Ice Maiden: "We can't die like this. We're the....Justice League."

Narrator (on Green Lantern): "He thinks green thoughts. And his thoughts become things. Working the ring is like giving up cigarettes. He feels like sixty-a-day man."

Metamorpho: "SSSAAAPPHIRE!"

Superman: "Metamorpho is...well, we're not sure what he is. The doctors used the word 'inert.'"

Superman: "Strange. I didn't hear your heartbeat."
Batman: "Hh! Gadget worked."

Batman: "We make plans, we move fast and we hit hard. This is WAR!"

Issue 2 - February 1997

"The Day the Earth Stood Still"

Reporter: "Are you considering plastic surgery, A-Mortal?"
A-Mortal: "No comment."

Flash: "They just set up three Earth stations, pumping out 'hate the Justice League' and other golden oldies 24 hours a day."

Narrator (on Wonder Woman): "She's thinking about, of all things, about the Coriolis Force which causes water in the Northern Hemisphere to drain in a clockwise direction. That's when she notices the whirlpool below, spinning counterclockwise. Life is full of strange coincidences."

Fluxus: "We're going to kill you, all of you, and then we're going to enslave this lush little world of yours. What do you think of that? Hmmmm----" Wonder Woman (punching him): "I think you underestimate us."

Aquaman: "I have no interest in the Justice League or its business. How many times do I have to tell your people before it sinks in? I don't need you here. I don't want you here. If there's a problem, I'll deal with it. Understand?"
Wonder Woman: "Yes. And there's something you should understand. Don't dare point that thing at me I've known you too long."

Wonder Woman: "Oh, stop posturing, Arthur. 'The sea is my responsibility.' What a ridiculous thing to say."
Aquaman: "Posturing? Who's posturing? I have a legitimate claim to----"
Tronix: "That's what we like about you people. No discipline. Squabble amongst yourselves while we take your world out from under your noses and slaughter you one by one."

Tronix: "Killing that Daxamite priest out by the Krypton Gulf was harder than this and he was a pacifist!"

Flash: "What happened to you? I've been waiting here for ages."
Green Lantern: "Yeah, like three minutes."
Flash: "Long enough."

Superman: "But you don't like this, do you? You don't like working with....superpeople."
Batman: "I don't have superspeed or invulnerability. I can't risk wearing a bright costume that makes me a target and I can't afford to trust poorly-trained people who do. Present company excepted of course."

Superman: "Invisibility's a nice trick, Primaid, but here's a word of advice. Next time, hold your breath."

Issue 3 - March 1997

"War of the Worlds"

Protex: "Oh, Superman...all those people you've saved over the years: Where are they now? No one is coming. No one cares. You are alone, at the end of the world. Completely alone."

Green Lantern: "What is it with super-villains nowadays? What happened to crazy jewel heists and dumb traps? Now they murder your girlfriend and stuff her in a fridge for kicks. The old Green Lantern had it easy."

Green Lantern: "I'm your worst nightmare, pal. A manga nut with a power ring."

Flash: "That's the second time I've saved you butt today, Gangrene."
Green Lantern: "Hey! He can run fast and count. Renaissance man!"

Protex: "Batman! BATMAN! He's only a man!"

Zenturion: "Somebody do something! Do something!"
Batman: "Ready when you are."

Protex: "He's only one man!"
Superman: "The most...uh...dangerous man on Earth."

Issue 4 - April 1997

"Invaders from Mars"

Armek: "This is what happens when you deal with a Green Martian! They're all the same! What makes him think he can just steal a form I designed?...I'll kill him!"

Primaid: "Where are your friends now?..."
Wonder Woman: "Where we always are. Right here."

Flash: "Low-quality finish, Lantern."
Green Lantern: "Yeah? Kiss my ring, buddy."

Aquaman: "This one doesn't want to fight. He's got a headache. Ah...sorry. I really have no idea why I said that."
Flash: "Forget it, Aquaman. Sometimes those one-liners can just disappear right out from under you."

Protex: "They fear you and they hate you and you don't even have the guts to admit you despise them in return! You know in your heart they're inferior!"
Superman: "They believe in me. And in my heart, I believe in them."

Wonder Woman: "What a strange question. Why should anyone know how long they can hold their breath?"
Batman: "Three minutes, fifteen seconds. You'd be surprised why."

Green Lantern: "Only four of 'em, Batman? You're slowing down."

Green Lantern: "Awesome!"
Martian Manhunter: "It seems to be some kind of homeostatic continuum existing outwith continual spacetime."
Green Lantern: "Yeah, that's what I said."

Wonder Woman: "Are we doing too much or too little? When does intervention becomes domination?"
Superman: "I can only tell you what I believe, Diana: Humankind must be allowed to climb to its own destiny. We can't carry them there."
Green Lantern: "But that's what she's saying. What's the point? Why should they need us at all?"
Superman: "To catch them if they fall."

Issue 5 - May 1997

"Woman of Tomorrow"

Priest: "Well, the sad fact is, normal people aren't very interested in metahuman funerals anymore, Superman. Everyone knows you people come back all the time. Heaven knows how many times I've buried the Immortal Man!"

Batman: "Interesting outfit."
Superman: "These are interesting times."

Green Lantern: "Jeez, I hope it's not Batman. I mean, cool, yeah, but he's way too scary for me. Don't you think when he walks into a room, it's like somebody just died?"
Flash: "You want scary, you should get him to tell his Joker stories."

Superman: "So, you thought I needed a haircut, Kyle? Did I go too far?"

Hitman: "Name's Monaghan, Tommy Monaghan. I've got X-ray vision and telepathy and I kill superpeople. For money."
Martian Manhunter: "Next. And please----no smoking."
Hitman (to Aztek): "Don't mention money. They don't like it. Hey, I only came along to check out Wonder Woman with my x-ray vision. Now I can die happy."

Green Lantern: "I was pretty impressed by Green Arrow and Aztek."
Flash: "Yeah, well, you nominated them. Probably because they're the only two guys on Earth more inexperienced than you."
Green Lantern: "Hey, at least my guys weren't here as tourists."
Wonder Woman: "I'd like to have seen more women."
Green Lantern: "I'll second that!"

Tomorrow Woman: "I'm a mutant: born with a four-lobed brain. My powers appear to be entirely telekinetic in nature. My guess is I'm the first of some new species, born ahead of my time."
Green Lantern: "Great. But I already have a girlfriend."

T.O. Morrow: "It's so good to cross swords with the new Justice League. The ones that are actually worth killing."

Professor Ivo: "You're weird, Morrow. Pour me another."

T.O. Morrow: "When did your Amazo ever feel anything, eh? When did he ever defy his programming? I'm a genius!"

Professor Ivo: "You did this just to prove a point? You did this just to show you were better than me? Have you any idea how much money we spent on that thing?"
T.O. Morrow: "Ah, so what? We can always steal some more. I just showed you a soul being born."

Professor Ivo: "Funny how these machines of yours always end up on the good guys' side, isn't it? You must be that 'mad scientist' we're always hearing about."
T.O. Morrow: "I'll have you know I studied mad science at Harvard, you oaf!"

Priest: "I wasn't sure what to say, Superman. I'm sorry. I haven't buried many machines."
Superman: "No. And you didn't bury one today."

Issue 6 - June 1997

"Fire in the Sky"

Narrator: "Have you ever wondered exactly where hell can be found? It's not under the ground. It's not in a cave or a dungeon somewhere. Hell's in the angles. It's all around us, everywhere. All it takes is a way of thinking, a way of looking. Some look at a bunch of flowers or a set of drapes and see just that and nothing more. Others glimpse seas of light and choirs of angels and the flaming pastures of heaven. And others still see darkness and treason and murder in the shadows. Look in the folds. Look in the gaps and the corners. Look hard and you might see it. Hell, like heaven, is right here. Where else did you think it would be?"

Demon: "Enough, brother Ghast. You'll never make the ranks of rhyming demons. Your poetry stinks. We were born before days. I remember the days when incoherent grunting and howling were enough to say it all."

Superman: "I worry because everyone seems to look up to me and it's making me a little uncomfortable. I can try but I can't solve every problem. I don't know if I can live up to this...myth they want me to be. How does Batman manage to make his own rules?"
Flash: "By being cold and hard to know. You're Superman; you couldn't act like that if you rehearsed. And the real issue is that no matter how you feel or who you think you are, most people just can't see past the 'S' and what it represents. Including you."

Martian Manhunter: "What is this?"
Zauriel: "The Old Red Sea Trick. They're coming after me. I can't believe they're coming after me."
Martian Manhunter: "How serious is this likely to become?"
Zauriel: "On a scale of one to ten? Around twelve."

Aquaman: "Well, I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but...I'm actually enjoying this."

Martian Manhunter: "You people. How many times must we face your kind? Would-be conquerors and master races, so full of your own superiority, you will not see reason or hear the voice of sanity. But see this, hear this....We will not do as we are instructed."

Angel: "You dare assault me?"
Aquaman: "Winged tripe, I haven't even started yet!"

Neron: "Strife between the orders of angels. The thrones, powers and dominions in chaos. The hierarchies of heaven cast into disarray. The harmonies broken. My joy could scarcely be bleaker. Let's give this brew a final stir...."

Green Lantern: "You're an angel? I mean, a real angel...."
Zauriel: "What's so strange? You're hardly the typical American families yourselves."

Zauriel (on Asmodel): "He's a King-Angel of the Cherubim Alpha Battalion. And if that doesn't mean much to you----imagine a being whose every heartbeat is a thousand Hiroshimas, whose gaze can strip flesh from bone. Whose blood is the universal solvent, an acid ten thousand times purer than any on Earth. If you can imagine that, you can just about imagine Asmodel."

Zauriel: "Get out if you can. Don't be here when Asmodel arrives!"

Zauriel: "We can expect a disaster. We're talking about a higher order of reality entering this plane. The world they come from, the world I come from, has....more of everything. I don't think you understand yet; the light of heaven would slash open your corneas. The music of heaven would puncture your eardrums and drive you insane. The air of heaven would burst your lungs and boil your blood. Only spirit can bear Heaven's touch. All flesh is destroyed by....Great God...the Judgement Horn...He must have gone mad."

Green Lantern: "Superman...I'm really gonna have to sign off...I...I think the apocalypse just arrived."

Issue 7 - July 1997

"Heavan on Earth"

Narrator:: "Not all angels are good angels."

Asmodel: "Deliver the angel Zauriel to me or join him in annihilation. These are your only options. I speak for all heaven."

Flash: "Now I'm flickering in between the moon and San Francisco, which sounds like a really bad song and feels even worse."

Asmodel: "Mine was the voice that shattered the Walls of Jericho! My judgment destroys matter itself!"

Martian Manhunter: "Asmodel! No more lives."

Green Lantern: "We need Superman. I don't care how good we think we are...."

Wonder Woman: "If J'onn falls, it's up to you to delay Asmodel, Arthur."
Aquaman: "Using what? A hydrogen bomb?"
Green Lantern: "Hey, maybe you could try to rehabilitate him."
Aquaman: "Ah, why not? With extreme prejudice if necessary."

Flash: "And later, when it's all over, I ask Superman how he managed to do what he did. And I know the moon's gravity makes him six times more Superman there than on Earth, but....He smiles and it's that one smile he has, the one that reminds you that's he's not from here. 'There were larger forces at work today, Wally,' he says. Go figure."

Zauriel: "Wonder Woman, hey! Remember that...."
Wonder Woman: "AAOOW!"
Zauriel: "I was about to say 'remember the touch of heaven burns all mortal flesh.' Sorry."
Wonder Woman: "Burns heal. Just watch my back."
Zauriel: "I'd pay money to watch your back."

Aquaman: " Diana."

Green Lantern: "Hey! Check it out, Angels! That's Wonder Woman, dudes! Oh man, how'd I get so lucky as to end up in this business?"

Flash: "What's happening? Just fill me in. Just key words."
Aquaman: "Key words? How about 'end,' 'world,' 'the' and 'of.' Oh, and 'fish' and 'man.'"

Asmodel: "YIELD!"
Superman: "NEVER!"
Flash: "This is the guy who said he couldn't live up to his myth. He's wrestling an angel."

Zauriel: "I can't believe you just did that to a Cherubim Chariot. That was actually...that was Biblical, Wonder Woman....The trouble's falling now and it'll destroy everything it touches..."
Wonder Woman: "I'll assume full responsibility."

Asmodel (to Superman): "How can you bear the Scouring Light of Heaven? Only the purest souls can gaze upon this flame and not be driven mad!"

Green Lantern: "Man, doesn't it ever just hit you how awesome this is? Sometimes, I just look around and realize what I'm doing...."

Flash: "Is that bit there going to translate what I do on the treadmill into sound?"
Green Lantern: "Man, this thing's gonna translate last night's bean burrito into Beethoven's Fifth Symphony if that's what you want."

Wonder Woman: "It won't fall. Hera, it won't fall!"

Green Lantern: "Oh man, this had better work. These guys look like they're skilled in torture..."

Superman (to Asmodel): "How dare you come here like this! How dare you threaten my people?"

Zauriel: "I'm not complaining hands are on fire."

Green Lantern: "We are the Justice League. And the bad guys have left the building."

Zauriel: "Asmodel? Sure, he'll be back. He'll use flesh suits next time, I'll probably kill him, there'll be courtroom dramas in heaven and in the end none of it matters, so why can't we all just be nice and have babies? That's my pathetic prayer every night before I go to sleep."

Zauriel: "Hi. You don't know me but...ah...I love you."

The Key: "Didn't Mommy tell you there's a man you can't lock your doors against? There's a man you can't from, even in your own little heads. And guess what? I'm back. And now we can begin."

Issue 8 - August 1997

"Imaginary Stories"

Kal-El: "Thank you....."
Hantha: "Hantha. Daughter of Xon-Ur. I live on the West Vane. Van-L Clusterpad, Node 7,370A. My key-phone number is Pi to nine digits.....

The Key: "Imagine the brain as a vast mansion with...oh, let's say a million rooms. A million locked doors and a million keyholes. And yet, how few of those rooms we ever enter. Until now."

The Key: "Oh, and make a note of an interesting side effect of my expanding consciousness. I can't stop talking to myself..."

The Key: "Stop it, you costumed vandal! Have you any idea how long it takes to build one of those?!"

The Key: "Who am I? I'm the imminent master of...well, everything, really. I'm the Key, you ignorant junkfood MTV moron! Doesn't that mean anything to you? THE KEY!"

The Key: "Missed! That's what happens when you lie in a coma for years. The muscles waste away. Missed!"

Green Arrow: "Dad. Oh, Dad. You're going to be the death of me."

Issue 9 - Early September 1997


The Key: "They always win, you see. The Justice League. They always win. That was the key to it."

The Key: "Everyone! I want you to experience with me the moment when they wake up and I use their energy to open the locks of time and space and become God before your very eyes! This is ultimate TV."

Green Arrow: "I'm only here because Green Lantern talked me into it. I can't fly. I can't hear people arguing in New Zealand. I can't run around the world while you sneeze. Bullets don't bounce off my chest, they just go right through. I don't know why they want me to try out for the Justice League. I shoot arrows. And I'm not even too sure I can do that right now."

Green Arrow: "Only a madman could use this equipment. Only a genius could use it. I'd better decide which I want to be fast."

Green Arrow: "Net arrows! Boxing glove arrows! How about just one! Pointed! Arrow! Dad!"

Green Arrow: "I'm alone on the moon against a lunatic who has managed to paralyze the most powerful living creatures on Earth. Their lives are in my hands. I must remain calm."

Aquaman: "The mind thing again! They just keep taking us like this!"

Batman (on Green Lantern's outfit): "Nintendo has a lot to answer for."

Superman: "You're in. Get used to saving the universe."

Issue 10 - Late September 1997

"Rock of Ages Prologue: Genesis and Revelations"

Revenge Squad Superman: "All the good you have done, we will undo. All the lives you have saved, we will destroy. All that you stand for, we will mock and trample into the dirt. That's unless you want to try and stop us."

Green Lantern: "I mean, Wonder Woman's dead and Flash is injured and....this isn't the JLA..."
Martian Manhunter: "Until the last man falls this is the JLA."

Green Lantern: "Now, here's your problem. I don't know what that thing on your finger is, but I know for sure it's not the most powerful weapon in the universe. 'Cause that's right here on my finger!"

Batman: "A genius made these. And it looks like a madman's pulling the strings."

Green Lantern: "It's back to the Green Team for the big finish! And hurry it up."

Green Arrow: "Sun Tzu said 'Never hurry a victor.' At least I hope he did."

Martian Manhunter: "And Aztek....You're the current champion of the Meso-American god of light, you have limitless 4-dimensional energy at your disposal and your helmet contains the stored tactical knowledge of all your predecessors. You've fought and beaten the Parasite, Amazo and the Joker. We trust you with the equipment."

Green Arrow: "Look at it! Look at the devastation! Why couldn't we stop this stupid, pointless madness?"
Batman: "Remind you of anyone?"
Superman: "He's Ollie's boy, all right."

Lex Luthor: "We don't fight them in the streets like brawlers. We apply the principles of the boardroom and we plan. We observe. We identify their weak points, destabilize their figureheads, headhunt the up-and-coming young...hotshots...For the first time in the history of the Injustice Gang, we have the leadership. We have the will to win. We have the right men and women for the job. We have strategy, we have the element of surprise and we have this. We hold all the winning cards. I want you to regard Superman and his white knights as a rival company."

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The Captain's Unofficial JLA Homepage X. December 2000. WEBMASTER: Jason Kirk ( The Justice League, the Justice Society, related icons and images are copyright DC Comics or their original creators/artists and are used without permission. This site is non-profit making and in no way exists to defraud the original artist/writers/owners of the discussed material - it is a work in homage and it is hoped that it is seen as such. Displayed on a reusable monitor.