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Is there anything else other than MegadetH?

This is the band that I grew up with, and will always be a part of my life. This group ain't what it used to be, but they don't suck either. I lost faith for a little while when they hired Gary Cherone.. but then I went to see them play in Charlotte.. I was surprised! Ed is getting a little old, but he can still kickass! I've seen A LOT of VH sites.. and this is the best for a true fan.

Now who could honestly say that they liked metal and would leave out the OZZman? He is the father of all that is metal.. there is no question of that! Every time he goes on tour, he says it's the last time. We know better.. there will never be a last time! I haven't seen many Ozzy sites, but this one is pretty good.

Now why did this band have to go and break up? I can't really think of anything to say about them.. this is a really good site with some neat pics. They still have updates on Chris Cornell solo stuff.

This is a kickass band that should get more recognition than others.. (i.e. metallica(queers!)). I can't help but make fun of them. This is band is getting more popular with every album. I don't know how to explain why I like them, except that they kick ass! Check this site out.. it's one of the few good COC sites I have seen.

This is a very influential band that contributed more to hard rock and metal than anyone except Black Sabbath. I'm a little tired ot the people that "pose" on this band, though. This is a very good site despite the wave of Zeppelin poseurs in recent years.

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