Sometimes I feel dizzy

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Ask questions. Get answers. Do whatever you want--within reason.

A message board, or forum, is a good place to ask those nagging questions you've had about Mazzy Star. Or just discuss Mazzy-related topics. Whatever you want to do. Just keep it at least semi-Mazzy related and try for subjects that others might be interested in. (Don't beg for Hope's shoe size, for instance--no one else may share your special interest.)

The great thing about a Message Board is that it's permanent. It doesn't just disappear into the ether or into the abyss of your e-mail files. A good message board will serve as a handy tool for future reference. And I'll be able to pull questions and answers and build a FAQ list.

A TIP: When you go to post a message, try to make your "Subject" description as, well...descriptive as possible. This is the only thing the reader has to go on when they're deciding whether to click on your message.

Start filling in those little boxes.         Go to the Message Board

-- Thomas

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