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About the Lyrics

If there were ever a band where printed lyrics were needed, Mazzy Star is that band. Always obscure, and increasingly incomprehensible, Hope's unique phrasing and beguiling voice help disguise the fact that you can't understand about a third of what she is saying.

I didn't used to care--I'm not a stickler for the lyrics. I never bothered to hunt down or decipher the words to the first two albums (plus they were generally much clearer). I just kicked back and let the words glide over me and the music wash through me

But then Swan came out and one song, Umbilical, frustrated me. What was this mysterious mumbling? I couldn't understand any of it. Give the song a casual listen and you're lucky if you pick up eight or ten words. Is that English or is she going into Cocteau Twins territory with a language only she and her imaginary fetal twin understand?

So I checked the Net, checked the two Mazzy sites--nothing, no words to Umbilical. No one else could understand it either.

I like a challenge, so I decided to decode the Mazzyspeak myself.. Here's my version of the lyrics to Swan, including practically all of Umbilical. (It actually makes sense.) I've listened to Swan 3 times with pen in hand and Umbilical many more times. Many of the questionable or missing words will probably remain just that--at least until someone hears them live or live tracks with different inflections or mixes are released.

I've haven't seen Mazzy Star in concert, so I don't know if the words are easier, or more difficult, to understand live (I'm sure it depends on the sound system, the crowd, and, maybe, Hope's mood). If you attend any of the upcoming concerts and any lyrical revelations are transmitted, let me know.

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