Classified Ads
Looking for Mazzy Star stuff?
Or, are you swimming in Mazzy items and have to burrow under them to get into bed at night?
In either case, you're in the right place.

Post your Everything Mazzy Classified Ad
Read the Everything Mazzy Classified Ads

This is the place to advertise for things you're looking for or for items you have to to trade or sell. These things include, but are not limited to, CD's, live concert tapes ("bootlegs"), videotapes, and other items (posters, t-shirts, whatever).

DISCLAIMER TIME: I am not going to spend my time policing the ads. If someone turns out to be a bad person and rips you off, notify me--but don't blame me. As in most things in life, you're pretty much on your own.

Long ago, promised I would have an ad section, so this, finally is it. We'll just have to wait and see how popular these Classifieds become. If it just sits here and no one uses it, well--it'll disappear.

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