Adaptive Technology

Adaptive Technology is defined as "Equipment that enhances classroom performance of students with a disability."  Students who use adaptive technology are not getting an unfair advantage over the other students.  Adaptive technology helps students with disabilities compete at the same level as other students without disabilities.  This technology is like a helping hand.  Students who are deaf-blind use adaptive technology that is specifically designed for their hearing and vision impairments.

It is OKAY to use adaptive technology.  You do have the right to access information and compete just like everyone else.

Adaptive Technology is a general term that can refer to many different things.  You probably know of other names that can refer to Adaptive Technology; here are some of the most common terms:

All terms refer to the same basic thing: tools that help students with a disability succeed in the classroom or learning environment.

The Adaptive Technology section is divided into six areas: listing different tools that will support students who are deaf-blind, there is also a brief description offered for each specific tool.  For a list of distributers, go to the Adaptive Links Page.

As new technology is always being invented, you may know of new and useful tools!  If you do have information, please let me know by sending an email.

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Computer Adaptations

Equipment and devices that help students who are deaf-blind navigate the computer environment more confidently.

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Reading Adaptations

Tools that assist students who are deaf-blind to read printed material, such as books, journals, courseware, class notes, etc.  They can be either enlargement devices or voice reading machines.

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Braille Adaptations

Tools that help students who are deaf-blind access printed material on computer or assist communication.

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Amplification Adaptations

Tools that are used to improve, but not replace, hearing.

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Specific Deaf-Blind Adaptations

Tools that are created specifically for people who are deaf-blind

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Miscellaneous Adaptations

Tools that assist students who are deaf-blind, but are not in the above groups.

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Coomber, S. Assessment of Service Needs for Post-Secondary Students who are Deafblind, Interpreting Services Project, Burnaby, BC, Ca 1998
Coomber, S. Inclusion:  Strategies for Accommodating Students with Disabilities who use Adaptive Technology in the Classroom.  Adult Services Program, HRDC-Disabled Persons Participation Program, Vancouver, BC, CA 1996
Gallagher, J. “A-Z to Deafblindness” A to Z, 1999, On-line:

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