Chatting ARR 07/96
I came online in at the end of March 96 and started my home page at the end of May 96. So as you can see I am still relatively new to this but I love it already! I have had a lot of fun learning how to build my web site and I hope you enjoyed your visit to my cyber home. Where I spend most of my time on-line though is in my favorite chat forum. I have found chatting to be a fun way to get personal with the Internet. By entering a chat forum you open the whole world up with your computer screen and keyboard . People from all woks of life are there just waiting to chat. In any given forum you may find housewives, professors, computer experts and receptionists all chatting. People from places as far as a foreign country or as close as your neighborhood are on-line to chat on virtually every subject. I was always shocked in the beginning to find out I was chatting with people in Europe or Asia, it seemed so strange because we were on different sides of the earth yet talking like we were in the supermarket checkout line. With no accents or physical traits to give you away everyone is equal. If you are interested in any topic, parenting to sports, poetry to politics you can find hundreds of others who share your interests or are willing to introduce you to theirs! Any time of the day or night someone is on-line; some part of the world is always awake or at least up really late! No matter when you have time to turn on your computer you will find a chat forum full of friendly chatters waiting to talk. People that you otherwise would never be exposed to due to geographical, social, cultural or political reasons are all of a sudden giving you advice on potty training, sharing a recipe, explaining how to download a new program or trading an URL for information on their home town. This planet seems a lot smaller and a lot friendlier when you know people around the world! I think the Internet breeds tolerance and understanding by throwing all these normal, common, everyday folks into a chat forum and letting them get to know one another as individuals. In a chat forum race, color, ethnicity, social status, economic situation and religion are not the first things you see, like in real life, they eventually may come out but friendships are not started by searching out your peers. You don't know they are even possibly your peers until you get to know them. You end up chatting with people you may never have been exposed to or given the time of day to in real life and before you know it a friendship has formed. I know this from experience, some of my chat friends are people I would never have met any other way because of where I live and my lifestyle. At the very least you get to see a wide cross section of people everyday even if your friends/chatting circle is small. After you end up chatting in a forum for awhile you get to know a group of people. Then when you arrive in the forum you have all your friends saying hi, asking how the kids are, or wondering if you won your softball game, just like stopping by your favorite coffee shop or local pub, everyone knows your name! It is a place to belong where you'll always find an ear to listen and maybe a bit of advice. It's very nice when you get past the constant introductions and information sharing stage and have a group of chatters that you know, though new people are constantly entering and you still have to go over the information again. It is at this point that making a Home Page is useful! A Home Page is a personal web site on the Internet (just like this one) that you can build. Some sites charge fees to maintain your site but there are a few places that allow personal web sites for free, such as here at Geocities. You can fill your home page with information about yourself, family, hobbies, interests or pretty much anything you want for that matter! They take a bit of patience to build and will require you to learn a lot of new stuff but it will enhance your Internet experience! Then when you meet someone new you can just send them to your Home page to get a brief run down or in some cases a detailed account, of who you are. The Internet is all about new ideas meshing with the old, of finding a new way to express yourself. Take the language of expression developed for E-Mail, Smileys, they are a way to show how you feel using typing characters. Lingo the language of chat, is a combination of acronyms and smileys to animate your discussions in chat forums. The Internet is a whole new way of accessing information and communicating, but there is no reason to be intimidated by the Internet because with a good browser such as Netscape 2.0 to help you it is easy to use and tons of fun. Even in chatting you will not stand out because new chatters pop up daily! There is even a Internet word for beginners, "newbie". If you go into a chat forum and explain that you are a "newbie" everyone will show extra patience and try to be helpful and explain the process. People remember what it was like when they first came on-line, and the help they received from veterans. Likely it was not so long ago that they were newbies themselves! So just go in and announce yourself and most likely you will be welcomed warmly! Chatters are generally a friendly, open, hospitable group, otherwise they would not be there because chatting can be slow and time consuming requiring patience and tolerance. You will occasionally run into a rude chatter no doubt but everyone has bad days so don't hold it against them or chatting in general. Just like in real life you may also find a few people that make you wonder if they are really crazy or just trying to be offensive. Take all this in stride and don't judge the Internet chatting experience by a few bad apples, there are lots of wierdos in your real life experiences too! Just remember that all chat sites are not created equal so you have to be wise when scouting out a place to spend your time. Then before you know it you will be exchanging family photographs and sending e-mail to your chat friends on a regular basis. It becomes as common as calling up your neighbor on the telephone, you'll wonder how you ever lived without Internet, e-mail and chatting! Trust me! I know! So if you have never chatted stop by one of my favorite spots and say hi. You may just make a friend for life.


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