The Official 'Unofficial' Skulker's Mess Web Site


"Authentic by nature, but subject to run"

This web page defines the phrase "under construction." I am a member of the Skulker's Mess, a group of Civil War re-enactors/living historians out of the Missouri, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kansas area. We portray Federal, Confederate and civilian, but most importantly we try to do it authentically. Our favorites are Missouri Confederate "Camp Jackson Boys" and Illinois Federal "Egyptian Tigers".

Skulker's Mess

Down in Mississippi.

Links to Photo Pages

Hey you! Click here for Raymond 2 pics!

Click here for some WC2K pics of Burbridge's Regiment. Sure it was 2000, but who can forget it!

Want to see Skulkers, and others, in action? Bring a sense of humor and click it!

Research .... well if you can call it that


Confeds from Missouri

Looking at uniforms and equipment for 8th Ill. and 81st Ill.; Illinois' state-issue gray 'brigade uniform'

Link to the Skulker link page

Living History Comrades, Online Diaries, Uniform/Equipment Vendors, Event Web Sites and other Schtuff (some links even work!)

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