Wilson's Creek (Oak Hills)

First (Burbridge's) Regiment, Third Division, Missouri State Guard


Major Jno. Clark - and his boots

States rights being trampled on the 'other' side of the Mississippi River. Gen'l Lyon's National Army chases Gov. Claiborne Fox Jackson from statehouse. Rally to the cause. Missouri State Guard under Gen'l Sterling Price gathering for defense of the state.

Burbridge's (die-hards on Sunday) including Schuller and Wilkerson... and Harding - the she-bang man


Musician Nic Clark (rallied regiment on the colors, credited with capture of Union soldier on Bloody Hill)"Professor Lowe Photographic Images"


B.G. Johnson, Sgt., Company C (Got lost on the Wire Road, reported missing at Bloody Hill)


The Company C (Skulkers' Mess) She-Bang (It housed 13 the first night!)


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