Some Light On Gravity?:

Working With Martins Ruderfer's Theory

Martin Ruderfer has written and published papers proposing that the photon, the basic particle of light, is actually a composite of an anti-pair of neutrinos (a neutrino and an anti-neutrino)... with some quantum statistical transmutation I presume.

Granted my preoccupation with herbalism takes huge bites out of my research time, but I have not yet seen anyone bother with the obvious extrapolation based on the spin numbers: that the much-sought gravity particle, tentatively the graviton, may be another demonstration of the same thing, namely a composite of two photons or four neutrinos, two anti-pairs of them.

This might shed some light on why UFO sightings whatever their origin seem to chronically associate anti-gravity with the emission of light: because the gravitons are breaking down or decoupling into photons.

...And all this out of around Five Dollars worth of literature, NOT Five BILLION Dollars for a five-mile-around superconducting supercollider...

...Now I could easily be wrong...'course, I ain't never been ta college, I'm just a poor dumb heathen root man...

(NOTE: viewing Tom Bearden's paper on free energy (link on Science Resources page) he seems to share this view of photons coupling into gravitons, and gravitons uncoupling into photons. So it's not my idea after all... but it's rewarding to independently come up with the same thing as such distinguised company, and hopefully this is making a point about how elusive half a clue about gravity should or shouldn't be...)

(So what is that supercollider anyway? A charity for scientists or a dimensional escape hatch for Republicans when the Ozone Layer collapses?)

It does make one wonder... here's to a few more extrapolations... all to prove a public library, a library card, and your paperboy might change life as you know it far more than a meeting with emissaries of aliens races...

(Update: since I posted this, I recieved an e-mail from a Chimpanzee, identifying himself only as "Cheetah"; he asserts that this coupling behavior of photons is a coordinate of the coupling of electrons into Cooper pairs, which are associated with superconductivity...hmmm...).

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