Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part Eight

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 23:11:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Help needed


Hopefully that's one of the nice things about this list is that if you have a problem you can often get help in a lot of flavors to choose from...

...Not that it sounds like you're the one with the problem, actually...

Someone already went right to the quick of what my instincts tell me, animal/ predatory things (I apologize to animals here)...

...I'd check your *mundane* health, some of the weakness implied when humans veer toward cannibalizing their own can come from here, and that can be a bad partnership with the neurochemistry. At some point it becomes possible to walk into as if you were trying. Not a fault thing, or a blame thing, but you know, if I get hypoglycemia sneaking up on me for example the whole world will seem to fall apart and I'll be stubbing my toe and bumping my head on things like I was a professional at it, or at least with an uncannily psychic flair...

What is interesting is that I'm not sure I see a general difference between taking this kind of approach, ie nutritional, and the magical. Native American *hunting medicines" for *good luck* in hunting can increase good luck at anything, and I'd guess by helping balance the brain that is balancing the body or whatever. There's also an aspect of going *from hunted to hunter* or at least giving off more a vibe of being one of the pack in this sense, not that there's going to be a reversal, but maybe some equal footing.

Herbs like Sage, White Sage, maybe Vanilla and Anise, even in aromatherapy/ potpourri/ incense/ etc could make a difference (Anise goes last on my list) and the minty things are also liable to be good. And I'm sure there are listmembers who might, please, give a better list of luck herbs or hunting medicines or whatever you know them by.

I'm not sure of all of the workings exactly here, but there's kind of a warm comfortable consistency to looking at this kind of thing different ways.

I also wonder if it's not by chance you mention Astral Projection; something like Mugwort would help both with your *luck* and with that as well, or dreams that can be comparable. I have a hard time telling which it is I get from Mugwort.

It's possible that if you have a certain weakness that is proving irresistable to potential predators, it may also be related to a faintly incomplete return to body from an OBE whether concious or remembered or not. If the OBE herbs seem contradictory to use here, they may just moving things along, applying a little leverage to make the process stronger and more complete?

Dittany of Crete is one other herb that comes to mind here, but of course it's largely *just another oregano*... thyme might also be helpful?

Many of these herbs here can also be teas of course.

Alas, there are others afoot I'm sure who know this stuff much better than me, so hopefully this won't be the last word on the matter...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 00:19:05 -0800
Subject: Involuntary Bibliomancy Weekly


Okay, so I was crowing I bought *Flying With The Eagle, Racing With the Great Bear" told by Joseph Bruchac. I like it alot, and I haven't even read it.

Sooo, with the same *involuntary bibliomantic* style of just opening to *the right* page as I did picking up *Drawing Down the Moon*- right to the poison flying ointment warnings or Crowley's *Magic Without Tears*- right to the part where he advocates studying Science because it is of the mind or whatever...

*The Underwater Lodge* pg 48, a Creek story, seems to set down a *new* icon for a floation ritual discernment, divination, or judgement of a medicine:

"Blue Fox had no boat, but the bowl in his hands was shaped like a boat. He put the bowl in the water and it floated away from him toward the deep part of the river. It turned in a circle four times, then sank".

How sweet it is! And how handy!... provided I'm right of course...

...Of course the title makes you expect a medicine that gives the ability to stay underwater a long time; so here the two get to meet each other, like an object beam meeting a reference beam and Viola! A holoism is set forth in the brain! How Do those two ideas contrast? (*Mr.* Glaukos is raising his hand here, amongst others...)

...The quadruple turn is also of course an aspect of Shapeshifting ritual... (see Sommersault)

Hmmmmm.... Wow!


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 11:01:22 -0800
Subject: Turning the Stick Around, the Series

Hello, I'm Jell-o

I keep thinking about OBE... I don't believe in OBE, I think it's all a very convincing life-like dream.

Not a lot of point in debating it for practical purpose (here, *as*=*as if* since it's very hard to bring your luggage either way... athough you can guess what I think of books like "Flying Without a Broom" can you not? )

At some point I'm sure the arbitrary difference does break down and one *comes forth into day* or whatever...

But you know what I find amusing this morning is that whole thing about the Paraclausithyron, the "Please baby let me in" group of classic literature, is that in The classic, Kallimachos' epigram about "Kynopion", if you turn the stick around like that suddenly you wonder why the h*ll is he trying to get back in if the squeeze is such a b*tch/b*stard ?


Now to dream of heavy leptonated lubricants and especially Dust Bunnies forced by Janusian Magic to have an Out-Of-Door experience.

Double Hmmm...

And something to do with anything having an aura on Kirlian film? (Not like I haven't posted alot in this *genera* before...)

Could be wrong.

Sometime soon I have to find a very interesting radical physics site and send it along also... ah, but you know, if you get paid by the hour to research and you find what you're looking for, then you make up yet another new name for it and beat around the bush until the cows come home I suppose...

Could be wrong about that too...

...From the Richard Feynman Invisible College of Monkeys With Sticks And Sometimes They Put Two Sticks Together and Get the Banana.... (Feynman diagram of this proceedure forthcoming)

Over & In,
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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