Chronos Chronicles

July 1997 Part Six

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 16:31:10 -0700
Subject: OH: Memes and Causual Linkages

They may not even be separate questions. For all I know the correlation between herbs that include labor, ready or not, and those that clear out blockages such as is in Eastern medicine? or enable magnetic magic is Not a coincidence...
,br> It may not be characteristic of anything to exist just to replicate itself, although there are certain forces which may be thought to do little more, which memes may be cueing off of or tapping.

I would think one should go on and get excited and go on about virtual spaces and liminal places and so forth! Or even Phase Space (Briggs and Peat, "The Philosopher's Stone")

Any minute now, since there is no rest for the wicked and I cannot keep my nose out of the great Question, what IS life?, I'll want to bring up Wilhelm Reich and Bions, some notes in William Corliss, "Incredible Life" ("Living Crystals" pg. 850; 938-939) and some Reich supplimental material reprinted as an "infolio" by Herman Meineke from Rex Reseach. Perhaps that will help...since I'll be *Crowley'd* too on that one. I was having trouble just trying to figure if intestinal flora were lost and thought they were in the compost pile, maybe to them estrogen is just a catabolic emulsifier. And then, aieee! Reich has brought the very dust bunnies to life!

But speaking of Crowley, I've seen a few things that suggest he was thinking in these directions himself, that "Marjorie Daw" thing to name only one…

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 16:38:37 -0700
Subject: Re: A question on memetics

Are you sure I'm taking it all too literally? We could all be new here, but Could be, my nap is way overdue again...(oh no the Literality Meme! And here I thought the Impertainence Meme was the one keeping food off the table!) Okay, reality check, that was, "Kill the germs, Keep the kids" right? Just checking. Okay, if you say so...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 17:14:28 -0700
Subject: OH: Re: Causual Linkages and Archtypical Experiences

In some aspects of these concepts, maybe people will see them as projections of the strap model of the Electron, but again this parallels the idea that the connective ligands seem by Max Freedom Long are simply an expression of something seen through a perceptual lens.

There is the possibility that the very type of sphere of conciousness that is the circumference of a world of dreams or illusions or causality, especially trusting that this is the arena for probability threads to play out their scenarios to project the outcome of complex event sequences, that the heart of the UFO abductee experience, in addition to the meanings that are layered on it, layer after layer, being the densest in information of Shamanic visions and possibly the densest in information of all memes, that there is still something intrinsic about it yet to be realized that I am brushing up against here, but still not quite able to feel what it is. (It is probably an elephant, but it could be a snake a wall and a tree too. Elephant: Sigil: Scorpio, just posted that something about Pluto is faster than light, planetary resonance charge craft? I'm starting to sound like Crowley in the Thoth *The Universe* give or take the peculiar cross between a Penrose twistor and a Klien bottle...

(Lately I debate between density and clarity, I know some people, and...)

Again, the density of information and the urgency of experience (When is there going to be real counselling for these poor people, when?) imply something of great significance, and that we are all on the verge of approaching. Will I soon be talking too about other dimensions and not just other planets as a cure for overpopulation, will I be talking about actually living in little "Cul-de-Sacs" of reality? In those little spheres ("Warp Bubbles")* where probabilistic threads play out thier possibilities? And none of it will seem so unearthly in the morning? Or is it our symbols which keep us earthbound?

You know, I'd like to go back to Practical things, and we talk about Transcendental stuff over pop-tarts, hmm? This leaves me just too confused to use it... Sun's gone into Gemini did it? Ah. well. Maybe I can just do magic and never mind explaining magic to Grandma? Uh, and if my health or welfare isn't dependent on memes...

*Maybe those scientists confounded to actually produce a warp drive in order to proceed to warp funnels and warp bubbles are taking the bull by the tail instead of the horns and don't know it yet? Hmmm...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 17:53:37 -0700
Subject: EVP, "Electro-Necromancy"

If I say we should leave *The Work* (The Great Work) to women, except they already have enough to do, will only intelligent people kick me for being an oxymoron of such magnitude? Thus...

There have been some few works on EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomena, which is used to describe methods of Electronic Communication with the dear and departed who have shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choirs of angels (ie, They're dead, Jim), I cannot locate any of them, there IS a Rex Reseach "Infolio" on this, or Was, and a number of books including one called, 'Breakthrough". I think the author is Konstantine Raudive, maybe, but of course, I think a lot of things.

I'm probably squandering the bandwidth to say so but the two values of something like this seem to me to be:

1. To consult the departed to obtain permission to raise them or to determine where they have gone, if they have reincarnated yet, etc.

2. That what can contact them can serve as the foundation for what can electronically recorporeorate them. (ie if we could just get a lock on their "communicator", we'd beam them on board the Star Ship, *Life*)

I have this Aztec book staring me in the face with the black and turquoise banded skull. Anyone Speak Memese well enough, or should I translate that this observation is a divinatory serendipity, ie, that's what they probably used for this, conveniently labelled for talking to the dead by being a skull. The presence of turquoise here is intriguing and may actually support what I said about memes and viruses, I dunno, you have not read as much Theosophy as the Grand and Dizzy Vizier here, or whatever my list appellation was. (I cannot readily find this particular reference; We have scanners and computers and we Still can come up with good book indexes? We put out fires with lamp oil next? Oy!)

Anyway, in context these oracular skulls who can comprehend the molecular structure of something, which our digital systems cannot are trying hard to convince me they are replicators in their spare time. Got interferometric eyes and all that, like using magic mirrors in holography sort of or maybe even more like.

There's also some areas here where the Aztec divinatory stuff seems to cross paths with abiogenesis, homunculus, palingenics; there's a drawing of Moctezuma and some unexplained infant around something that looks like what I figure for the ancient Greek replicator, and the context is fro some reason divination of the coming conquistadors. Might as well be that fishy, no one seems to want to explain why they never bothered to use on the Spaniards what they allegedly used on their own alleged sacrificial victims…

(Oh! Oh! Scanners! You ever notice those bar code scanners in grocery are so Egyptian hieroglyph it hurts? What that, More "Near-Far-Memory"? The guy who made up Gumby and Pokey may not remember clearly that the Ancient Mayans did too (look under "incense") Wish they'd just scan the molecular structure and poof me up some worldly good, I just seem to perpetually flounder on the edge of being able to do so myself...but you can scan objects with a wand, can't you, hint)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 18:07:24 -0700
Subject: Re: Symbols

Cultural theft begins and ends somewhere between contending with the fact that all symbols are universal, archetypical, and have never belonged to any one anyone and never will, and not wanting to upset the Benefactors who sound grieved, but have been from time to time too "Coyote" to tell.

(So guess why *Chronos* is A Grecian Shaman, in addition to Teutonic and Celtic shamanism being in sheer shambles, even thought the Native mythology is supposed to best describe the local vegetation...)

I take it the idea of cultural theft here is one that followed the idea of theft of land which followed the idea that land could be owned?

Strangely, someone who was very dear to me and one of the swiftest on the uptake of all the people I have met told me *I couldn't be an Indian*... apparenly no one is perfect, what I AM is Not for others to decide, is it?

If anyone can fairly dabble in the idea of cultural theft at all, can they do so without taking Reincarnation into consideration? What have we unleashed that seems to keep shrinking people's Social-World View even further, aluminum (cf. Bauxite poisoning)? The sunflowers whisper that this may be the truth... although they aren't indigenous to Greece...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 18:57:12 -0700
Subject: Re: A question on memetics

Hmmm, I may be mistaking the meal and the menu, but maybe I found the right restaurant? Maybe there is a more subtle underlying reason that you can treat bad memes as if they were literally a physical pestilence, although I cannot think of what it is. Coherence and sustaining of quantum fluctuations in all cases? Cor, what an odd way to think of germ killers...

(It has also occured that whether or not a meme is parasite or symbiont all depends on whether you're a "company X" shareholder, or a customer, I supppose, and that may be differentiative. Although the most insidious bio-invasions might try desperately to pretend they're contributing something. (Um, in fact Candance Pert did say the HIV virus has a "tag" that fits the opiate Receptor, didn't she?)

Hmmm, I know people who have that TV meme, "Not a leaf turns in the forest and I know it, for I have this channel or that." Sort of thought that was ego.

But that would be more of a question than an answer, wouldn't it, so, um, how do those two concepts *work together*? Is the ego actually employed in the rationalization of one's particular memes does anyone think? In all cases? (That *Is* the intellect chakra isn't it? Maybe I should go with the estrogen, I dunno...)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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