Chronos Chronicles

October 1997 Part Three

Saturday, October 18, 1997 12:39 PM
Starhawk MAKES Me Do This Dept.


Just one more thing on my mind, really, since I have my brains leaking out all over the floor anyway...

Okay, so I've pitched in a little about what Magic has to offer us if our house burns down, how do ya fix that?

But back when I was hawking Babylonian terra cotta devil traps as *something*, I was talking about using them to prohibit such rampant combustions as this in the first place, even while the candles are permitted to burn, as opposed to what may still be to some, too little too late...

Not oblivious here that wiser ones than I on Arcana jumped right in and suggested they could be programmed to do Anything... that’s so cool!

I was reading the other day, probably in Matthew's Night Chant book, that some of the Games had come to the people as games, but then someone had a vision and realized that they had some higher significance. Whether or not that's just a shy, dodgy way of expressing a reality there, the principle in general may be valid...

Hence, I assure folks there's a good chance that the use of animal traps may follow a similar bent, that in general there are some very good designs to do by the Magical Wireless Art what scientist have done this century in putting out flames using radio, (hmm muste Rex Research again? Where's that confounded catalog?) that this carries all the way also to the way they are treated; certain herbs used by various tribes for rustproofing traps may go Far beyond that for this application interestingly enough. Likewise, certain Great Lakes tribes report some stiking and obvious properties of herbs for example, in the way fog behaves around water lotuses, that proceed perhaps in this direction...

And what will Chroni try to read into Yew trees next?

Therefore, as the people in question speak, the actual public practice and its history is irrelevant, it is the vision that matters.

True to form, the devices would be distributed throughout the woods, and would be catching all sort of animals of the allegorical Coptic or Gnostic sort. The difference in practice is that the traps are jammed in miscellaneous ways so that no actual animals are harmed in the making of this magic. I suspect hazelwood will once again find application here, although I am speculating.

The decentralizing of such a utility as this of course promotes the assurance of its dependability and success.

Perhaps other variations on this theme will also be used to help preserve the environment, such as mediating the mischiefs of those ungodly Postvorta and Antevorte? Or the methanous f*rts of surly Epimetheus? Or???

Just a thought...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Saturday, October 18, 1997 2:00 PM
More stuff Starhawk makes me do...

Howdy (he said, twisting the weed between his teeth...)

Rather than ingratiate myself with society, in the Literal-minded House of Sun-in-Libra with an extensive round of Demeter-bashing for hyper-protein diets contributing to everything from arthritis/ rheumatism to oxygen-deficit disrders, those who are wiser ones than I tell me...

...and no doubt I will live to see the day when the consensus may be that Amaranthus hypochondiacus wages any battle against hypochondria for containing protein competitors more than for containing protein???...

...I thought I might honor Chronos on his day with another whack at the art of conservation: Hail, Saturn, keeper of the hidden, who enfolds green worlds within a single seed and keeps life within them...

Not only am I finding that the logical extensions of Prometheus' legend, that seed being even more important than fire (!), that he is a bearer and keeper of seeds, and his particular vessal of this duty has chemicals that affect seed life... (advertisement for Helios' myth re: reforestation here)

..the experts tell me of course that *a dark cool dry place* has extremely little absolute value for the plant kingdom in general...

...but the directions it leads, such as bamboo, having chemistry even closer to what is used by horticulturalists today to get unusual germinations of difficult seeds... ...even the Isatin of woad body-painting may fufill such a role, and the wearers may personify seeds...

...are not limited to the mythologies of Greece and Rome, but as I encounter the more helpful texts on Meso-American mythology, the appropriate icons appear there as well, as if this has been a Major concern of mankind for countless centuries, and remarkable progresses might have been made in the area...

Largely, the icon keys I recognize are those tubular receptacles of vegatable origin that would serve this purpose; likewise the mythos of giants concerns those techniques by which seeds might be preserved for the benefit of the hopelessly marooned... which I have tried to illuminate previously, somewhere about where the word Nephelheim was in use I think... above all, "Giant" is travestic for the tiny seeds...

...and maybe a good place to ask what moly is, since mallow would be another stalk whose pith is easily removed for this purpose...

...the concept of burnt reeds against a deluge--ie, prevent of humidity from damaging seed life?-- appears in conspicous places... and mountainous caverns, *all they had for refrigerators and freezers in them thar days*; in mesoamerican lore, the euphemism of the flute is notably used for *seed tube*

...I repeat what I told Arcana long ago, that this fuss must have begun with the difficulties of growing those most striking Grecian orchids of the genus Ophyrs, whose images embody the stuff of legend, as Dittany embodies Diktyanna's tale... above all the tragic fate of the self-sterile orchid immortalized as Oedipus, who is most endangered of all, as well as of greatest notoriety and travesty...

This is only the tip of the iceberg, mind you... though it (disclaimer) IS just a Vision I am making up...

>>>I go now to dance with the corn>>> Peace!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Saturday, October 18, 1997 6:12 PM
Magical Household Stuff

Hey there.

Okay, there was one other thing which as everyone knows I haven't the chutzpah or personal power or whatever to kick off to a rousing start... but of which I am hauntingly reminded since it's getting d*mn cold out there...

I'm quite convinced (and why shouldn't I be?) that before man invented windows and started cutting down the trees for fires, that some peoples initiated feilds around their windows and doors-- not only capable of zapping incoming pathogens, pumping out dust and dust bunnies, but of serving to act maybe like Maxwell's demon, even to the extent of keeping in the warmth, keeping out the cold, letting in the good air and letting out the bad. That might warrant a doorway deity, maybe.

Not the first time I think I've mentioned this I think that MHO is that the incident of annointing doorways with blood in the story of the Hebrew Exodus alludes to the use of various herbs for this purpose... not only that these aromatics and related plants kept mosquitoes and other pestilence-carriers from waltzing in a doorway with no door but the very (electrochemical?) properties that made them effective lent themselves "serendipitously" toward having further applications in the same realm.

Having spoken of unusual properties involving lotuses and fog, these too sound reminiscent, (as does the mythology of cedar--in Native American mythology a *doorway* to the underworld, it's analogous plants have been noted by yours truly to hold a cloud of aromatic around them in a rigidly defined area even months after by all apearances they were stone cold dead.

Perhaps this may lead us to speculate that an important door annointment in this respect was made from the Egyptian Blue Water Lily; it too has qualities that may be no different than these other unusual occurances, and may proceed all the way to the unusual toughness of the acorn; (like Kushi's unrustable, alchemically produced iron, and perhaps the very iron in Knotgrass itself, Exotic Matter may be involved) likewise, the ancient custom of doorbluing may be inferred from the myth of Hercules' wedding (reading in the occurance of Litmus moss), some of the copious ancient alusions to Knotgrass, virtually synonymous with doorways (=Doorweed), and much mythology of Zeus as Michael Faraday's studies of static and cavities may have been first seen as applications of Thale's teachings to the lighning-like cracks in rocks dedicable to Zeus from which his daughter's Dittany proceeds forth, to another patron of threshholds, Chiron the ferryman.

No doubt in having Mana on my mind, to speak of this in caverns would imply some usable aspects to treat a cave this way; but I should lke to further proceed that the icon of the womb, cauldron etc, further befits use as a symbol of creating this formidable pocket of habitability. No doubt some reading this now, have preferences toward magic circles for this purpose, and yet the amount of lore, hence, theoretically, additional information that occurs under these symbols would be exhaustive...

But how would the sacred and powerful spirals serve here? Indeed, these operations can move substantially close to benefiting from inclusion of the concept of thermocouples... some uses of the mineral Zeolite allow the *more Mundane* to approach these providences as well...

Now all that's left is to figure out which operation keeps the kids in the house when you're too poor to afford doors and windows... O two faced Ianos, who oppresses our freedom, that we might live long enough to appreciate it... No cattle prods here... We really would be talking force feilds here wouldn't we?

Wow! Sure beats that old pagan Celt trick of Opium-in-the-oatmeal... tsk tsk...

May all paraclausithyrons keep you and yours warm this way...

...So having all THAT out of the way, what's everyone serving for Samhain? And what are y' dressing up as? (cackle) "Not the kind you have to wind up on Sunday",

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Saturday, October 18, 1997 9:27 PM
Sea Goat Having Dry Spell?

Okay, that last post, about the door blueing? Everyone knows the Norwegians do this, the Maya did it and I don't know who else... the Oak wood works if you *know what you're doing*, right? Leaves me right out, but oh well.. At least the twelve sacred Druid herbs of the cauldron might see double duty as the twelve sacred herbs of staying warm, if I ever find out what they are... Suffice to say, I have some really gnarly and in-context suspicions about wreaths and mistletoe customs right about now... like, just how non-inductive a resistor might this lotus pigment stuff be, anyway?

Is this why the Huastec Maya still observe a *certain* blue pigment with lunar phase observations?

Okay, rubber rabbit brush and thick air at the Kiva ceremony, okay Quantum elasticity and materialization... that was like, in one quantum leap you fool the rubber band into thinking it was Already stretched and so it pulls back, Whammo! Pop-tart... but the Maya/Aztec Rubber Incense is connectable to the door blue, somehow. Haven't owned Morley in many moons... so its more of the "Precipitation" group, right?

Okay, Persephone is one of those Greek myths connectable to Janus, given the elements; add Perseus, try Medusa. Ossified pathogens? I think Pomegranate is a source of Pom (one of the names of Maya incense was it? I'm starting the rumour here that another, "puk-ak" is actually the same as peacock, so you can Invoke Hera here somehow...) but I just threw a Rosebud in Peroxide and it won't turn blue, darn those Rosicrucians anyway (Pssst! Hey kid! Wanna buy a used Ephemeris?). Tried vinegar too, squished the petals to break the cell walls, I dunno.

However, I've no doubt that the feild in question acts Like peroxide, only picks on critters and not their hosts... now y'all remember the last mention of Dolmens and Menhirs I made, right?

Anyway, if you have a limber enough imagination (we all do, right?) this blue crap might as well be the same as in Palingenics, and it might as well be the same operation. (hase conjugate novelty filter? I really don't know this one...)

No doubt this doorway of oak gives blue "witches" milk, makes thousand of Julienne fries and... smarter than vitriol and prettier than Ironwort (oops...)

Now what I wanna know, I promised granny I'd make her one of those brooms like Mickey Mouse has in *The Sorcerer's Apprentice", so can I use Quantum Elasticity to work it's associative memory functions, or is it enough that it has magnetic memory like Thor's hammer and therefore not only knows the way back to Aasgard, but actually goes there too (ee U.S. Army files on PROJECT DUSTBUNNY for this variation of the Philadelphia Experiment for those who insist on doing things the hard way... okay, just kidding) You see, it is Good to help little old ladies across streets, open doors for them and wipe their fannies when necessary; it is Not Good to turn off their electricity in the middle of the friggin' winter. It is Good to devise ways to facilitate their independence; it is Not Good to stick um in a *home* to wallow in their own...

SoOoOoOo... be back next week to discuss Reduced Vapor Pressure Dynamo Technology, Reprint my Long-Siphon Post, advocate Radiometers larger than Scientist's brains, and cunning-up what crafty old witches do with weathervanes, if anything... hopes that Muon Claus, er, Santa Claus will come down our Chimney this Krishnamas while we are cooking our disselfink and hazelnuts are leaping out of an open fire and heading down to the DMV for vehicle operators licenses and all that... As we rivet down our levitating yule log and it gives off considerable heat for no reason obvious to those with an eye for a profit, without actually combusting... Actually we were so poor, we had to consecrate a rock for this...

Now about those other matters... Those pink elephants in tutus? Definitely estrogen. Seriously.

Incorrigibly yours,

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

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