Chronos Chronicles

October 1997 Part Two

Thursday, October 16, 1997 2:18 PM
OH: Re: Handfolding


Makes me think of Sunflowers. I've been growing alot of them the last couple of years and I notice the seeds are all crowded in and totally over populated. (of course they seem perfectly contented...) I wouldn't stoop to taking the fact that the vast majority of SF's are incurably yellow, nor that they all look alike to the casual observer to being any kind of comment on Asian persons.

(On the other hand, the Book of Life or whatever the Doctorine of Signatures gets called isn't above having to resort to that itself, using stereotypes as indicators, judging by the little Anita Bryant thing, and some other examples...)

So getting down to it, the amount of Phosphorus in sunflower seeds actually would help produce the same beneficial effects- Adenosine phosphates and brain opiates seem fairly interchangable in many respects. Phosphates also help neutralize acidity in the body which is a common contributor to disagreeability and other attitude challenges... including prejudice...

Also not ironically, much of this can also be said about corn, whose kernals also stoically suffer urban blight, which is even more notable for going right into Adenosine's group, the purines, with both Adenosine compounds and others.

It's also interesting you should mention reading. Most of the sunflower seeds I grew were black and stained the fingers, like newsprint, and what seeds weren't were striped like bar codes. While this will sound too incredible I'm sure to those who don't go so far on this particular path where flowers talk to them, I think there are a few comments about literacy and reading a newspaper on the subway was a great way to just be off in your own little space or something?

And again, Sunflowers are also Native American moxas... for whatever that's worth. I Almost see a picure forming here.

What I really thought I'd get into at the moment though is if there's anything else about this handfolding stuff for us overcomplicated. Of the circle itself, the property I know best is that a leaf with a hole in it is supposed to produce a whole double as an auric phantom in Kirlian photography.

I went on kind of a wild goose chase trying to find this reported anywhere but the book on Vibrational Medicine that it's in (same title as subject I think). It was supposed to be Ion Dumitrescu, who wrote the book on *legitimized* Kirlian, "Electronographic Imaging", who did this.

So far I hear of no one interested in persuing this area, no cutting two holes and trying the Deroglie experiment, and so forth. So I know nothing about what happens if a lea forms a circle of itself without missing parts. If you glue it into such a position, will it also show a second little phantom in the middle?

And, is this going to happen when people make little circles of their own parts?

Hell, I can't even find a Kirlian picture of someone's teeth, let alone an open mouth or a missing tooth!

So whatever the implications are that I can holographically reproduce just by doing this are not obvious to me, even though they look strikingly Hindu when you try to draw them. Little people floating around in lotus buds and stuff, going *Om Mani Padme Hum* and all that...

Be one of the few times Chroni the Great (ROFL) doesn't even know when he's onto something if indeed I am; this is just sorta what popped into my head.

Of course I've been trying this at home and I can't really make a circle by folding my hands. It's clearly more of a pentagon


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Thursday, October 16, 1997 6:43 PM
Re: Moon Deities...And...

I'm fascinated myself, and especially with the form Endora's inquiries have taken before, Moon Gods. I don't get to research this one much myself, but I wish I did. Certainly it's an appropriate subject for the list (what isn't almost, sort of the idea I think).

One never knows what missing scrap of info is going to be the key to many things one didn't know one already knew...

Why, even today I had one of my near-adventures in research. According to Dictionary of Symbolism by Hans Beidermann, one of those things you think, hmm, just borrow it from the library maybe, (under *mouse*):

" German, alcoholic deliriums feature visions of "white mice" (corresponding to the English "pink elephants" or the Aztec "400 rabbits"..."

This small phrase is capable of conveying pages and pages of information to the shaman; the animal as an Icon can be used in the Doctorine of Signatures repeatedly.

Here's an example: If I think of a plant that looks like a mouse, one would be Stachys byzantina, although to most people it looks like a lamb's ear. This can also reflect on the medicinal or "officinal", Stachys betonica, or Betony. I wouldn't be at all surprised, come to think of it, if most or all of the chemicals in it are eventually found to be helpful in treating alcoholism.

And that's just for starters...

(Just having learned that Mayahuael has 400 breasts, these *are* the noses of the rabbits or mice. Usually for this purpose, Dittany of Crete strikes me as the bottoms of shot glasses. Won't be at all surprised to find the symbolism universal in plant medicines everywhere. Any oregano could be worth a try... not to mention safe?

Uh, and then there's when I brought up the possibility that the UFO experience meant someone may have had some degree of exposure to Hanta virus, that the Grey aliens have many features of mice...

Uh, ---I could do this all day on a good day--- okay okay so the holographic universe means that Any part can tell you the whole story. Still, you get to sometimes wonder what is The Certain Part at Just the Right TIme at Just the Right Angle...

It dawns on me too that mice if like rabbits are lunar and Apollo Smintheus, (Mouse) mentioned in the same work and many others, may very well be a Lunar God too...

Somewhere still coded in this trivia and its close kin would be keys to countless ways to keep mice out of things. Starting with grainaries, but not limited to of course...

And I think a number of *surprises* for those interested in combatting alcohol abuse. Today I've finally begun to see a rabbit ear in leaves of some Artemisias. (Hans mentions Apollonius of Tyana saying that walking around the labor bed with

one eases labor, so to speak most likely.) That's the way it should be, but it took me too long for my own good...who sees everything at once?

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

Thursday, October 16, 1997 6:51 PM
On the Vertues of Paytiennce...


Kenny Ausubel in "Seeds of Change" the Living Treasure", the book about Seeds of Change (and Deep Diversity, brainchild companies of Alan Kapuler. Alan is the guy who is probably the 1st after @100 years of farting around to perform free amino acid tests on leaves of herbs, He suspects many benfits of Mints and closely related plants comes from their content of amino acids, and I've commented previously on much Native American symbolism supporting the; the spelling of Oglalala may vary...) writes...

"While in prison for fomenting an anrachist plot, Paul LaFarge, son-in-law of Karl Marx, wrote a pamphlet called "The Right to Be Lazy". He described most of the trouble in the world as the consequence of the frenetic miasma of compulsive activity that human beings are mindlessly spinning . The world would be a better and far less troubled place, said LaFarge, if we just did less and cultivated our laziness more"

I wouldn't know, I'm a Leo.

But I've already had one talk with the Boys in Blue today. Seems our neighbors aren't willing to wait a couple days for nature to take it's course so that the free stable cleanings from the fairgrounds stop smelling like stable cleanings. And, yes, they were Thoroughly covered...

Chroni is now a lawless violator of nuisance ordinance for trying to be a good Starhawk-type and recycling stuff. Guess now you know why Paganus (Pagan) meant, "Country-dweller"?

So, er, um... you tell me? Or does anyone know some old pastural cures for Eau' d pasture?

Or would any other aspiring Shamans like to try to hash out this much-overlooked Miasm that's been known to promote freeway shootings, stock brokers, 1,001 Dirty Sales Tricks, Protestantism, Capitalism, and, nevermind... (hint: Chroni the Dandelion-Eater is theoretically largely immune...)

Criminally yours, that Horse-Poop Guy,

Chroni Horse-Apple-Oni

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Saturday, October 18, 1997 11:47 AM
Maya Astrological Science?


I was going to post about whether anyone knows if Far-Memory Inducer Lilac (Syringa sp., Olive family) has any cousins that are more in the direction of calling up actual past life languages and skills rather than those heart-felt stuffs and predilections for abstractions and iconography, or those well- recognized inaccurate but valid and meaningful feild trips to the Holodeck...

Of course you have to either be terribly disciplined and purged of pre-concieved notions or you have to remove yourself from the circuit etirely to get any historical value out of magic mirrors, according to those who seem to be most knowledgable about them...

I rest some hopes herbally on Forsythias (Olive family), especially since they are appearing in herbal medicine (see Richter's catalog), but this really seems to be new ground for a lot of us (?).

My hope lies in the yellow symbolizing the intellectual chakra where these features might be expected to reside... and perhaps following the color symbolism where the Ecclectics do, to the liver and the bile?

But I most certainly must have enquired in a previous post, mustn't I?

Maybe I am simply looking for an Ash tree and don't know it?

Well, anyway, I'm probably repeating myself here too, but one of those things I hear the least in the world of the Occult (ie, I don't hear it at all) is how the older Mayan glyphs correspondng to Aztec ones, for the houses of their astrological system contain some seeingly recognizable nuances of some mystically-related scientific principles...

...Of which I haven't had so much fun since *forcing* the more familiar zodiac to represent ten magical tools and two primary energies, a feat which can IMHO be *forced* upon the Ten Commandments also by transliteration as puns on the most fundamental linguistic roots...

Using Bruce Scofeild's "Day Signs: Native American Astrology From Ancient Mexico",

Alligator, pg 52: Atom, six orbitals=Carbon; + Nitrogen +4?

Wind, pg 60: ??? Anyon ???

House. pg 67: ???

Lizard, pg 74: ??? Calcium phosophate ???

Serpent, pg 81:

Death, pg 87 : ??? (it's only sleep ???)

Deer, pg 94: The same theme as a Chippewa drawing in "Myths of all Races". early 1900's: a chakra in the palm construed as a giant atom; the Chippewa version implies Nitrogen, showing seven nucleons... or was that one of those Magic Hands like in Gonzalez-Whippler?

Rabbit, pg 100: Calcium phosphate, one of the most significant players in a rabbit's metabolic novelty...(?).

Water, pg 106: The water molecule itself is depicted in both Aztec and Mayan forms.

Dog, pg 112: ???

Monkey, pg 118: ???

Grass, pg 124: ???

Reed, pg 130: ???

Ocelot, pg 137: Ozone?

Eagle, pg 143: Nitrogen?

Vulture, pg 149: Generic? Free radical X03 with fractional quantum value depicted?

Earthquake, pg 159: Fractional quantums and T. Galen Hieronymous' "Eloptic Radiation"?

Knife, pg 162: Light-Time Cone of modern physics, modified ?

Rain, pg 168: The accumulative force precipitating raindrops may begin as polyelectronic or polyatomic aggregation? Biefeild-Brown effect on atomic/ molecular level?

Flower: H20, the interaction between floral pigments and precipitation, the objectives thereof: vs. seed rotting, etc.

FWIW, you know... *as if*... I'd definitely be happy to have Kibbitzing on this! (as always...)

< Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

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