Chronos Chronicles

Posts to Arcana Part Four

Subject: Night Hag News?

There I was over at "Brand X" ( hoping to chat about what we will do with the worlds teeming populations when I had the bored wherewithall to actually look at the follow ups to a rather repugnant posting, which I though might be another specie of lightbulb joke.

As it turns out, the word Grey and -Reticulo- (Greys have somehow taken on the name Zeta Reticuli) are both to be found within the breadth of two adjacent postings. Do you suppose my spleen, then, resents me sleeping on my arm right after a large meal?

Dreaming the "Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend", (anyone ever see that cartoon strip?)...


Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 Subject: Re: Another tack on love spells...

Perhaps it is worth adding to the commendable comments already posted about ethics in love magic, and the likely way to expect the paraphernalia to draw attention, that I encountered some overlap between love magic and alertness- I believe it was Borage.

This started me thinking about certain things one can do magically to themselves to more easily be the recipient of love, as the example given seems to hinge on the would-be recipient's alertness and observance of opportunity. Many of the fragrances already suggested might work on both parties; the extreme and humorous example has become that Coffee is a "love charm", because it kept so and so from napping on the bus when the person of their dreams got on and sat next to them.

(Perhaps I should add while I think of it, that while it may sound condescending and mischevious, perhaps, my own medicine bag has grown from this observation about Borage to contain a love charm for drunken drivers who cannot be disuaded from diving: 'Now I'm gonna pin this sachet of right on your collar (under your nose), and on the way home you'll likely meet the person of your dreams, so drive kinda slow and don't run any stop signals like a jerk ok? You wanna make a good impression.." Belligerance course overrules the element of surprise; the interesting thing is that I was told smelling salts already had lavendar and citrus in them...)


Hmm...Wise comments from a Keeper of Arcana.

Regarding the bitter herbs (the Maror and many other well-known bitters do not likely contain signifiant alkaloids, incidentally) I will not rule out that one witnesses divine intervention if the participants in question have been unharmed by this. (I have, however, been personally instructed OFTEN that no one is to say what God Will do, and therefore would not knowingly gamble in this matter).

As to when should the Dotorine of Signaures not be applied? I have said previously that there may be sustantial indication that the larger processs is not even a voluntary one. Maybe it will yet prove to be a question of when one's subconscious should cease and desist engineering correspondences into endless herivorous hypochondria. (and or that mater, when should magick cease and desist as well.

This also leaving it perhaps a perrougetive of practitoners to never cease and desist, in hopes of intepreting all signature values before someone begins to expess these values by accidental and destructive public psychodrama. Those familiar with Eliphas Levi might know I have some grouds to take the example here of Anita Bryant and call it a full-fledged syndrome. (I have noticed the Logos in botannicals far less restrained than I in attending the disproprotionate scale of issues surrounding the KKK, if only as incident to generic attendance of "hotheads".It is more particularly, I personally think, the Klan's specific spiritual and medical issues that are desribed.) Genus Cycnoches, family Orchidacae.

" this the value of our existance, should we proclaim with such persistance?.." The Fixx, "Stand or Fall", rather out of context of course...

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997

Subject: Not Tonight, Ti, I Have a Royal Headache

DTTAH (Don't try this at home) but aspirin is an interesting thing (If only intended for Signaturist Preists of Chronos and Apollo , or appropriate priestesses, to handle) because it is particularly common for people to attribute it re-discovery to the Doctorine of Signatures. Its also common to conventionally trace its use as far back as Greece.

I do not know exactly how this reflects on the Egyptians, but I noticed a pattern in the funerary adornments of Tutanhkamen (Tetankhamun, isn't it? That WAS his cartouche on the inside of the dust jacket of Budge's_Egypian Magic_? -Love that lost earring tale too, what a load of euphemistic poppycock!) that looked like they were all painkillers, including Willow (aspirin), except the safest and sanest would be now the least well known (speculation). Being a medical matter, second opinions, please.

BTW can anyone tell me what the sodium sulfate was doing in the pyramids or will I be left to speculate they were "upgrading" Mandrake (see Prunella species, "Heal- All" ) and otherwise "Bubble bubble toil and trouble" like a good Shakespearian witch? Maybe tomorrow we will also talk about this "Kheperunebre" business, or talk about Idries Shah?



Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
Subject: Theories: Doctorine of Signatures; Was..

This is one of several dozen possible explanations. Actually some of the Greek philosophers have ideas that lend themselves perhaps better than psychology, Anaxagoras comes to mind and I hope not mistakenly, but in the context of the previous communication, while the mind may not be able to stop generating the correpondences internally, the modification of the biochemistry to MAKE certain they are nutitionally or pharmacologically valid may be a different matter, and the there is the idea that it may have evolved to the point where survivalist generalisms hitch-hike on the most general biochemical systems. In the case of Cycnoches I could cite all kinds of biochemicals, but I can also cite phosphorus, phosphorus, phosphorus just as validly, if I am not mistaken; conversely,what makes the system more versatile also stands to make it more complicated.

Re: "She is drowning in the sea in which you swim"

Maybe I shouldn't touch anything so inherently Protean, but that's the problem exactly. Learning these by experience is almost unthinkable. Signaturists would be the interpreters of other people subconciousness, same as tellers and seers and what not, because most people just do not seem to have these as functions in the concious mind, period. In the most optimistic model, because I am here learning by sign what some use are, maybe some out there is saved from learning the hard way. I do not know. Maybe Anita has been cured by Gurudas' writing a book? I don't do Gestalt, collectives or synchronicity, personally, but..

I think if correspodence itself is insufficient, that is where assimilation of certain gross matter comes in then. I have occasionally heard of visualizing food being fattening; I don't hear much about living off archetypes.

Oh, and sometimes flowers are just flowers, especially when all is said and done. But I hear that some may be endangered, though, because no one sees enough in them, if you will pardon a double-etendre. Imagine that...

I respectfully hope I have transcended the rhetorical.

Now go complain to Paracelsus and those silly alchemists, I'm just the new kid... :-) :-) :-)


Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
Subject: Re: Theories: Doctorine of Signatures; Was...

Re:"She is drowning in the sea in which you swim" again; maybe FWIW I shoud try take to the bull by the horns here. What must seem like unfathomable hypochondria here, for those not practised at serendipitously salvaging this and yukking their way thru morbid old Med School with it, is in marked contast to the impression I got about Indigenous culture where "everything is medicine"; mass indoctorination (i.e., they were all doctors) theoretically resulted in health benefits itself, a relaxed state opposite to having your blood pressure go way up because good doctors are hard to find nowdays and what's the government doing to my Medicare this week, or what ever neo-iatrogenic ill is brought on by the bill. (And you have heard, yes, no, that the price of liquor alone is driving moi to drink?) Thus, more hypochondria is less hypochondria, and sometimes correspondences alone DO suffice. Which leaves more time for whatever it is that alchemists rilly do... Peace
Chronos "Quack" Apollonios


Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
Subject: Re: Magickal Tools and Pagan vs. Ceremonial Magick

Proof of this? Oh come off it! :-) if being "99.9%" evasive weren't a essential to the "Great Ones" as breathing, there would be no Arcana, I could carry my magical library from place to place (no Exodus jokes, not funny. Here's one, they were kept in bondage to STIMULATE THEIR INTUITIONS AND ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF INDEPENDENT REASONING) without a truck, and I'd be materializing a Pop Tart right now. Waite must have passed a kidney stone just getting it in his Tarot book once, not what they are for, but at least one thing that they are not for. Hoist 'em by their own petards, someone, indeed, must have mixed up several elements themselves to be so pathologically cloak and dagger. Oh, no it's contagious, so: they are somewhere between the rose and the thorn (Hint: do their charts) perhaps? Good thing we have this "Glasnost" or we'd have to give a Nobel prize to mystics for inventing and perfecting AMORPHOUS b.s., IMHO.

Chronos "Woke Up Cranky" Apollonios

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
Subject: Re: Moon Gods

(Preface: I'll "Moon" ya, hardy har har..)

Two things that may be expeditious to do are to clutch at straws and look at the context. Wolf Apollo, who is blatantly lunar is, regaded as an older form even by Ancients. Joseph Campbell has basically this to say, in "Primitive Mythology" also, considering it "ridiculous to press the contrast of the feminine fire and the masculine bolt on back to a couple of mythogenetic zones of about 400,000 B.C." Outside of "Deities Proper" there occur many folk tales, such as African or Native American, whose masculine charachters are lunar, we can of course try to consider that they are degraded forms of more deific and pronounced, and less lunar- "attributed" or "associated", charachters.

It also quickly becomes obvious that vacancies in this realm may owe it largely to a rather indeterminate nature of the lunar itself. It is as easy to haul off and attribute the androgynous to the actual moon sign itself in Astrology, as opposed to Libra, and perhaps more so.Thus having made Solar Gods out of Lunar ones, we cannot necessarily be sure that the change is permanent, philosophically speaking.

Curiously, the Saturnian element has also been subject to indeterminance at a number of points. Thus we have a degree of freedom to explore.

Beginning with Saturn, it is perhaps most obvious to say that the crescent moon is the sickle of Chronos. Saturn hs been "solarized and de-solarized" in "saturn, a better sun" and re-lunarized in that "Drawing down the Moon", and not Saturn, will prevail, even if the ritual involves such Capricornian paraphernalia as a cauldron, which is again biased more feminine and fertile, like the Masculine lunar hare symbol.

The Artemisian temple in Ephesos, while served by Chronosian priests, has in its iconograpy rather the Lunar opposite; the streams winding around it form the sign of Cancer (supporting Frazier that it is above all else a children's school.) We are not told of preists of Lunar Apollo, so it is (a lunar) Chronos who may be the logical evolution.

The eymology of Hyakinthos also implies a remnant of traditions of Lunar Wolf Apollo but seem to branch to Artemis-Cynthia and an acknowledgment of lunar Thoth, inventor of writing (AI AI: the Hyacinth is "Written on"; it is rightly ruled largely by (a Lunar) Capricorn for also being of dubious fitness for ingesion).

The shortest justification I can conjure of why it is common to associate Saturn and the moon is: "A practical man, feeds many sons"; longer fertility rationale center around the abundance of the harvest. I scacely see it remaked upon that the fertile (Lunar) Corn King (Saturn) is typically Capricornan elusive, and Moon-cusp-Leo, a distant parent.

Perhaps it is also noteworthy that these permutaive Liberties are not uncommon to have to take with rigid classical remants; nowhere do I find Literary indication of a substantial relationship between Zeus and Demeter, in the way that is most obvious because the Aegis, or goatskin sheild is QUITE obviously an electrophorus, which, statically charged with the Lightning of Zeus, performs the all-important seperation of seed from chaff by static cling. Some ancient remain still awaits discovery, of quite a story indeed, no doubt, even withstanding interpretions of what is intact. Thus even the authenticity of a Lunar Zeus is not outlandish, since the implications are FAR from retorical.

Okay, there's the bottom of the barrell. What's on top, y'all? Oh, BTW:

From A.E. Thierens (title previously posted) Sumerian A KU= Babylonian-Assyrian Sin (pg 20) (well, AKU-AKU to ye too, hardy har har)


Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997
Subject: How to Walk on Water: Oriental Occultism
I mentioned Idries Shah in my "Not Tonight... "Tutenkhamen" post but I have "Oriental Magic" by Shah and it is definitely BBDB (Browse or Borrow, Don't Buy) IMHO, but one of the redeemable features an immorality formula consisting of feeding magical incantations on a parchment to a silverfish which is then supposed to break out in a rainbow of eixir or somethng like that.

I suspect that it has more to do with the chemisry of the ink and of the insect (see insct biochemisry phenethyl derivatives, indole derivatives re: bearing on hGF Human Growth Factor promotion ) than the actual "sacred" words which are written, and I love to believe that this is the answer to a sacred vision that neophyte Jimmy Page mistook for bloody movie material obviously oblivious, for not sticking anything Oriental in his "Song Remains the Same" vignette. OK, the Hermit was in it, but I've never seen Crowley explain it, and his Absinthe book and everything I have on Rainbows in Navaho lore put together couldn't explain it to me.

Now the trouble is, should I believe Shah? No only a bad book, but Orientals promised us this with pine nuts and okay, so Pycnogenol, and okay, so Japanese white pine, Pinus parvifloria, [sic? parviflora or parvifolia probably?] has been cited for ant-HIV activity, (Journal ref: AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1990 Feb; 6(2):205-217 ) but eternal life??? I recommend bowsing books on Chinese science by Joseph Needham, especially one of the single-volume works, but I don't follow any formulas because it sounds humorousy exagerated in some way. Can I even believe a more serious-sounding thing like Canton Phosphor in the multi-volume work?)

Further possible evidence that Orientals might commonly suffer the same fatherly mischief disease caught by Greek fishermen (The Occult version of "Pull my finger, [phhhht!](fart)-aka leg-pulling) with felinomorphicized sea-"deities", comes in the heartbreaking form of suspicions that when "Chinese Alchemy" by J.C. Cooper says,"The sap of Juniper, if spread on the soles of the feet, enables one to walk on water" and even other fabulous powers of a worthy preist of Glaucos, that maybe there is only the sliver of truth in it that Juniper correctly and safely handled can expedite respiration somewhat if absolutely neccessary, especially around risk of drowning (ie spread on soles of feet? ie use like mugwort? ie it is a Moxa?)

Catch a theif tricks with Moxa (Opie/Tatum was it? See Posts: Divining Lost Objects. I have lost the book! it had "superstition" in the title I know that)) from Japan are interesting and again, unlikely, IMHO; half-truth is: dogs can trace moxa on your stolen household objects, it fortifies the posse, or it helps you stay up one night to make a replacement?

So what kinds of experiences do others have with this kind of Literature?

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