Why. A monosyllabic interrogative three-letter word, all consonants without a vowel, holds the key to all the answers. Driven by his inquisitive nature, Man, since Time immemorial, has been pondering upon the mysteries of the universe, by asking himself, repeatedly, "Why?"

If it wasn't for this diminutive word, Mankind would still be residing on treetops - no progress would have been made. But, considering the kind of 'progress' Man has been making of late, perhaps, that would have been better for the world.

Imagine for a moment, Isaac Newton did not ask himself, "Why?", when the apple landed on his head. No Theory of Gravitation and none of the rest of the hypotheses that form the very foundation of Science!

What would have happened if James Watt had not asked himself this very question when he saw the kettle boil and steam come out of its spout? No steam engines and turbines to spin the wheels of the Industrial Revolution. Once again, perhaps, considering the reckless way that Man has been ravaging Nature's bounty, this, too, could have been better for the world.

It wouldn't be out of place to even consider "why" Man behaves in so selfish and myopic a fashion, taking into account only momentary and immediate gains. He is really killing the goose that has been laying the golden eggs for him.

"Why" also starts off a train of thought contemplating upon his senseless behaviour towards his fellow-man just because of a variance in the pigmentation of the epidermis, or, in beliefs concerning the supernatural, or, simply because.

This line of thinking makes one wonder if the controlling program for the assembly-line called Life has gone haywire causing all this chaos.

Why do I think we would have been better off had Man not asked himself "Why?"

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