All technological advancements come with a heavy price to pay. They have only led to abuse and greater pollution and in the upsetting of the delicate ecological balances in Nature -

- petrol, (atmospheric pollution, dust from traffic, noise pollution, etc.)
- fertilizers, (increased production without corresponding increase in nutrients, soil loss, groundwater pollution, etc.)
- medicines (microbes mutate to become resistant to antibiotics, which results in needing more powerful doses to suppress them, )
- plastics ( non-biodegradable, toxic)
- industry (atmospheric pollution, harmful effluents)

Scientific breakthroughs are not always used properly -

- atomic power ( bombs and destructive devices, and not for peaceful purposes)
- in the world of medicine (cloning, scans to determine sex of foetus, drugs)
- Internet (too much knowledge at the click of a mouse - it cramps the creative and inquisitive nature of the mind by imparting readymade condensed information - more like taking nutrition tablets instead of wholesome delicious food!)
- Internet (hackers get into your computer and invade your privacy, sabotage your files, frauds, etc.)

This curse is not a recent one. Ever since Man discovered fire, he has started his onslaught against Nature. Ever since he learnt to use tools, he has started abusing the earth and destroying Nature's creations -
- Diverse plant and animal species becoming extinct (because of mindless hunting, destruction of habitat, in the name of fashion, etc.)

Science has been like a destructive weapon in the hands of an irresponsible, immature child causing havoc everywhere.

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