How we got back together...

It all started with an email from one of our classmates – Kemi Finnih – who collated a long list of our emails and told us what a great idea it would be for us to get back together as an association. We were all touched by Kemi’s idea and everyone started emailing each other. Those initial mails were so touching – people looking for their long lost “school aloves” but they started becoming annoying when our mailboxes started getting really full with those heavy emails (the mails were heavy due to the long string of email addresses). Kemi once again took up the responsibility of opening up a Yahoo Groups address ( and we all get lighter mails this way.

It has been fun ever since hearing from old friends and knowing how successful we have all been in various aspects of out lives. Through the Yahoo Groups email, we have shared

1. Our joy (wedding announcements and arrangements – especially Feyi Folowosele and her aso oke arrangements)

2. Our sadness (especially the death of Tosin Oshinusi’s mum)

Oh yes! And the various associations meetings held in the Lagos Chapter (this is the most effective Chapter till date)…The meetings were interesting – especially seeing old friends again and the Item 7 which was always great! QC93 girls are such great cooks! On a more serious note, the association meetings tried to put a focus on our reunion. Various discussions were held to deliberate on our constitution, how we would give back to QC and the Nigerian Society, updates on our lives (weddings, job hunts, etc), etc. The US Chapter have not yet gotten round to having a meeting but Morayo Dawodu who is leading the UK Chapter has been quite active and thus one UK Chapter meeting has been held.


In Summary, the turnout at meetings have been quite poor and commitment has been quite low. However, some members are determined to make it a success because they believe that the Class of 93 has something special to offer the world.

We dare to be different……


Progress so far

  1. Three Chapters of OGQC93 have been set up: Kemi Finnih leads the Nigerian Chapter, Morayo Dawodu leads the UK Chapter and Kemi Ogunleye leads the US Chapter. Monthly association meetings are held in the various chapters

  1. This website dedicated to the association was developed by Kemisola Yusuf. There are currently 30 members on the Web Team. The website will facilitate easy flow of information (news and more) amongst the ladies and also provide a forum where we can contribute positively to each other’s lives.

  1. Morayo Dawodu is leading the project on Our 10 Years Anniversary to be held in Lagos next year (2003).

  1. So far, ladies are coming back together and commitment is rising slowly. Emails are currently our major source of information. However, in the near future we expect to use emails for only urgent information.

Our Vision

Our Vision is “To enhance the way we (Class of 93) and the rest of the world live by dedicating our resources (time, efforts and money) through effective channels and projects”