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Part1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

Akazukin Cha Cha meets Ranma ½

Part 8

"Woah…" said Ranma. Before them flowed a roaring river. "Looks like we're stuck," said Ryouga. "We can swim to the other end," said Sanae. "No, can't you see, the current's too strong, you'll get washed away." said Shiine. "We've got to think of something…"




"Hi guys!" said a voice followed by a splash. "Ahhhhhh…" said Riya, who soon disappeared behind some bushes. "Let me guess… Marin?" said Cha Cha. "Marin? Where? Where? Wait there's someone else…" said Sanae. "Hi, oh my darlin' Riya, how I've missed you…" said Marin, splashing out of the water and hurling herself at Sanae. "What? Oh I missed you too." said Sanae, enjoying the attention. Popy, Shiine, Cha Cha and Riya (behind some bushes) just sweatdropped and watched. "Cool, a mermaid!" said Ryouga. "But I'm absolutely confused…why did she call out Riya and hugged Sanae?" asked Ranma. "I'll explained…" said Shiine. "Errhem (he clears his throat)… Marin loves Riya, but Riya hates Marin. When he sees Marin, he hides or turns into his wolf-form. Marin is unaware of his ability to turn into a wolf. To Marin, Sanae looks like Riya, so she'll chase after Sanae as well. It turns out that Sanae likes Marin and so pretends to her Riya," said Shiine, speaking it all in one breath. "I think I get once I sort out everything up here (points to his brain) … Sanae mentioned someone else is here as well," said Ranma.


"It's Nami," said Riya. "NAMI?" said Popy, but before he could do anything else… "Popy senpai!" said a voice. (Author's note: senpai = school senior) There was a splash followed by a flash of pink, which rammed into Popy, knocking him down. "Popy senpai…" said Nami, "Oh dear, I knocked you down, I'm sorry… " "Hi…hi Nami… just forget it, k?" said Popy. "Nami is Marin's little sister, she likes Popy," explained Shiine. "Hey Marin… that's not Riya… that's Sanae you're hugging there," said Ryouga. "Buzz off buster… I know my Riya when I see him," answered Marin. "Isn't that right, darlin'?" she asked Sanae. "That's right," said Sanae. "Oh you're in a good mood today, I wish you were like this everyday…"said Marin. "Man… what an attitude…" said Ryouga. "And I'm getting sick from all this lovey dovey stuff…"said Cha Cha. "Sanae… stop it! We've got no time for this!!" yelled Riya, now in his wolf form. But it went on deaf ears. "Sigh! Forget it. It's late, we'd better camp here for the night, " said Ranma.


Later… "So, you guys want to get to Hanavia to get this legendary scroll thingy," said Marin. The whole gang including Marin and Nami have formed a circle around a campfire. Nami's and Marin's tails have dried and are replaced by legs. "Um, we've been heading for Hanavia ever since we found the map," said Ranma. "Why has Genma been so silent?" asked Shiine. He was replied by Ryouga's thumbing in Genma's direction. Genma is snoring away in his sitting position. "I think we should get a hint from him, " said Popy, pointed at Nami fast asleep against him. "Not to mention Cha Cha and Riya, they took off to dreamland at least 3 hours ago…" said Shiine. Riya (as a wolf) had cuddled up in Cha Cha's arms, Cha Cha was hugging him in her sleep. "I guess that's it, well goodnight everyone, " said Ranma. The others, at least those who were awake, bade one another goodnight and retreated to their own sleeping areas.


The next morning…

"Yawn…" said Shiine lazily as he stretched himself awake. As he ruffled his hair, he realised that he didn't recognise his surroundings. "Cha Cha? Riya? Where are you?" she asked aloud. But there was no answer. "Popy? Ranma? Ryouga?" Again, there was no answer. There was no answer even when he called out Genma, Sanae, Marin and Nami. "Where did everyone go?" said Shiine. He started to feel afraid. As fear welled up inside him, he thought that there was something in the bushes and the bushes gave a rustle!


"AH…FOOD!" said Riya, but when he reached over for it he saw Sakuzo! [Author's note: Sakuzo is a big monkey whom Riya is terrified of] "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH…" yelled Riya. He ran but he could hear the footsteps of Sakuzo chasing behind him…


"Good Morning Ryouga!" said Sanae. "Good morning everyone!" said Ranma. "RANMA!!" yelled Cha Cha. "Riya and Shiine are missing!"