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Here are some links for more information on Akazukin Chacha. I've written some descriptions on the site so that one might know what they can expect from the site. Also, no site is better than the other. Each is special in it's own way. Oh yeah, if you have an ACC site and it is not here please email the url to me at


Hitoshi-Doi's Akazukin Chacha Page
The very first ACC site I've encountered and still is one of the suggested sites to go if you're new ACC fan.
The Native Land of Akazukin Chacha
One of the most comprehensive ACC site around, it is another must visit. There are info on both the manga and the anime version.
Ky's World of Akazukin Chacha
Another must read site. Kayin's Akazukin Blah blah and other ramblings are very entertaining.
The ChachaNetwork!!
Any ACC stuff there is, it is in Jeremy's site, from midis to quizzes. Warning though, all of the stuff in there is Jeremy's and should not be stolen (as in any other sites).
Akazukin Chacha Funhouse
This is a great ACC manga site. All you need to know about the manga version is in here.
The Cozy Akazukin Chacha Website
A kawaii-looking website. Though no direct information on ACC, it have other excellent features like lyrics, calendars and even ACC greeting cards.
Mochi-mochi Mountain 2000!
An old site with a new look. I love the sites collection of dialogue wavs; made me remember all of those funny moments in ACC. ^_^
The Diamond Fortress' Akazukin Chacha Page
ACC site with usual information about the series. It's collection of images is quite decent too.
The Very Humble Akazukin Chacha Page
Another ACC site. It have a glossary page on usual Japanese words in the series.
Destination: Holyup
A nice-looking ACC site. The downloads from these site are cool.
Crescent Moon Anime-Akazukin Chacha
Lots of ACC images.
The Cartoon Network Akazukin Chacha HomePage
Site on ACC as seen in Cartoon Network Asia (or was seen, ACC stopped airing a few months ago :0 )
The Akazukin Chacha Street
Another nice ACC site, it have an English and Japanese version. Also very comprehensive.
Princess' Akazukin Chacha Homepage
Another ACC site. It have a multimedia gallery with both English and Tagalog ACC sounds.
Annasibs' Fanfics Archive
new link! One of my friends' site. It have other animes there too, not just ACC. If you sign in her guestbook, please tell her I suggested the link..^_^
Chacha Street (English version)
Chacha Street (Japanese version)
new link! Yanchuu's site! It have lots of stuff in there like ACC info, quizzes, icons and even an ACC search engine. You can view it in English or in Japanese.
The FanStuff Archive
new link! At last, our grand duchesses of the ACCML, Miaviolet and Tasha finally opened up their own site. It's a nice site with a Ruroni Kenshin part coming up soon. If you go there and signed in their guestbook, tell them I sent you.
Akazukin Chacha Fun Zone
new link! A nice ACC site with a lot of pictures and animated gifs in its image gallery.
Chacha Terminal (Japanese site)
Akazukin Chacha Domain
The Holy Knights of Love, Courage and Hope

Other Anime Links

Anime Web Turnpike: Anime Series Web Links (A-B)
This is where I looked for ACC site when I was still new on the series. I've noticed that the ACC links are increasing in number.
Best Anime
An excellent anime site. There's a lot of ACC images under the ACC category.
Anime Pitstop
Another anime search engine.