SpyTelegraph est un webzine consacré à tout et à rien.  Nous le construisons au rythme de nos intérêts du moment.  Si vous avez des commentaires sur notre site, ou des recommendations (entres autres quant à des sujets à inclure), n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous via webmestre@SpyTelegraph.com.

SpyTelegraph is a webzine about ... just about anything.  It is built around our interests of the moment, our whims and fancies.  Do not hesitate to leave us any comment or recommendations about subjects to include or develop.  Please drop us a note via webmaster@SpyTelegraph.com.

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  Toronto, Ontario, Canada . Last updated:  January 14, 2001. FREE  
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Nouveau/mis à jour
Duke Nukem 3D
Carnet de bordNew/Updated  
Nouveau/mis à jour
We finally updated both porfolios.  There are new images and photos and we have written comments and descriptions for all, new and old, images and photos.  Please go take a look.

Nous vous invitons à revisiter les portfolio que nous nous sommes finalement décidé à mettre à jour.  Nous y avons mis de nouvelles photos et images et toutes sont maintenant accompagnées de descriptions et commentaires.

Bonjour à tous!

Tel qu’attendu, vous trouverez de nouvelles entrées Carnet de borddans le Carnet de bord.  En effet, nos aventures n’ont pas pris fin en septembre 1999, lorsque la Lune a quitté son orbite ;-).

Vous pouvez sauter directement aux nouveautés en cliquant ici.  Vous pourrez y lire comment nous avons passé notre Jour de l’An et notre arrivée au 21ième siècle.  Pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas visité encore, je vous recommande de cliquer sur le Carnet et de le lire dans son entier.

Buffy and AngelI am starting to wonder if we are ever going to complete our fan page about our favorite vampire exterminator.  In development since the end of season two, it has survived rewrite after rewrite.  The end of season four is upon us and still nothing to show.  We may have seen too big at the beginning and this alone was enough to bring development to a stall.  And you are right, it is going through another rewrite and reconceptualisation (more of a writer's bloc to be honest).  But, make no mistake about it, we are still committed to doing a site dedicated to this cult series.

We also enjoy its spinoff, Angel.  A lot of changes in character development were droped on us.  Buffy has a new boyfriend, Willow's bisexuality, hinted at in season three, is now in full bloom, the Initiative will not see a second season and Ethan Raines is festering somewhere in a classified US Army stockade.  On Angel, Cordelia has grown a brain, Angel may have a soul but still no humanity and Wesley has gained some depth.  What will the new season bring us?  Who knows!  Hopefully, we will have our fan site up and running before they cancel both shows...
We have been working a lot lately to bring to you more complete portfolios.  In fact, Sylvie's portfolio is now fully operational and actually has some pictures in it.  Seriously, we are pleased to announce that Sylvie's photographs are now available for your viewing enjoyment.


In the next few weeks, we will post a revamped version of Yanick's portfolio.  It will combine information about each of the illustrations, from the medium used to why it was done.  Like most of the current projects, the conversion to CSS implementation has created a lot of headaches but has also given us a lot of rewards.  While the portfolios only marginally use the CSS, it is the only place on our site that does an extensive use of frames.

This section is bound to grow rapidly since both my wife and I are graphic artists and amateur photographers.  It will probably see many format changes in the years to come.



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