Vets Talk

"Part of me is still in Vietnam." Those words resound throughout the veteran community, and everywhere we go "Welcome Home" are the bywords that attempt to put a bridge over the vast chasm that still exists between America and her faithful veterans of that era.

Over the years many of us veterans have felt either secretly or openly that we left unfinished business in Southeast Asia. We weren't allowed to win the war, we rotated out when it was still going on and victory wasn't in sight. We returned to America, but not home. What we thought would be home wasn't the same anymore. The only people who paid any attention to us were the protesters. Everybody else expected us to just forget Vietnam and get ourselves a job.

Many of us tried to get help for our emotional problems and wounds from the war, but the government proved to be a giant headless system that seemed opposed to spending any money and time on anything but physical wounds. They failed to realize that having survived when others didn't would be a problem to us. Or that the problems of self-medication with drugs and alcohol had anything to do with our tour in Vietnam. Psychological and emotional readjustment programs have only been popular in the last few years.

Because of the lack of warmth in our "homecoming" many veterans have isolated themselves from society, and a large percentage still won't even admit they were ever in the Armed Services during that time period. They are MIA, (Missing In America). We vets can make a valiant stand for our comrades who were left in the combat zone as POW/MIA, and we should, but we also need to know that there are hundreds of thousands of veterans that never really came home in spirit, mind or soul. THEY are also MIA - Missing In America! Most are still prisoners of a war they don't even realize Is still raging on within them, and they will never find their way home with the weapons this world has to offer them to fight with. You may be one yourself.

You don't have to be a recluse, trip-wire vet living out in the boonies by yourself to be missing in America. You don't have to be a homeless vet, or one going through a VA program for stress or drug/alcohol problems. You can be a successful, respectable businessman with a good family life and yet be Missing In America. All looks good on the outside but inside there is an unexplained gnawing going on. It could be a simple thing like maybe a numbness of feelings, or not being able to get close to others ... including your wife or kids. Missing In America is stuffing a bunch of bad memories away without resolving them first, and then denying that they affect your life anymore. Coming home from the war may have meant putting it all behind and "glossing" it over with a thin coat of veneer for looks only. It could be like putting a bag of dirty laundry in a closet and trying to forget it is there, but after twenty years it begins to stink and you can't avoid it any longer. Laundry day has arrived, and "coming home" in a true sense is cleaning up one of the most significant times of our lives ... the Vietnam War era. Are you ready?

A couple of thousand years ago Jesus Christ appalled many "respectable" people because He dined with prostitutes and drunkards, and sought out the social rejects to embrace and love. One day He even looked up this little wimp of a guy, who was a hated tax-man, and guess what? He went home with him AND CHANGED HIS LIFE!

Now it is of historical record that Jesus Christ was executed by hanging on a cross, but it is also on the history records that He came back to life three days later, and is still alive TODAY! If you need to finally come home from Vietnam, or other wars, you first have to invite someone to come "home" with you, and that someone is Jesus Christ. He is alive today, and is waiting for you to open the door. HE WILL COME HOME WITH YOU AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Here's how you start. Say this prayer with an honest heart:
"Lord Jesus. I am a sinner. I need you. come into my spirit. Take away my sins, my hurts, and guilt. Fill me that I may have the life of God. I receive You right now as my personal Savior and life. I give myself to You and call out your Name as Lord and King of my life. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, Amen."

If you prayed this prayer, please let us know of your decision. Call us at 800-877-VETS or email us so that we can send you information about your new life with Jesus.

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