Wayne Dennis - Rockingham NC

My grandma use to take me to church when I was a little boy. At around age 8, I accepted JESUS as my Savior and Lord and was baptized in a small lake. Somewhere around eight and ten, I saw a movie presented by and at our school about JESUS - The Greatest Story Ever Told, I believe was the title. I was very impressed by JESUS in this movie. I believe that my behavior and/or mannerism was taken shape in trying to be a good person by watching this movie. I attended Church for a few years off and on up to my middle or late teens. Even though I went to Sunday School and Church Service on occasion, I was walking on the wild side doing stupid things of the world. I was dancing, dating girls, drinking, shooting pool and doing harmless things with the boys of the fifties.

I joined the Marine Corps at age seventeen in 1959. I got married to my high school sweetheart in 1961 and we divorced in 1964. From 1964 to 1989 I married four times and lived with one for almost 10 years, another for about one month, another one for about 12 years and my current and last wife 12 years. I hurt my low back and right hip while landing on the beach in a landing craft boat that hit a sand bar during a training exercise on the Island of Sardina, off the coast of Italy. From that day to this one I have been having medical problems that has taken it's toll on me.

Medical situations, marriages, living in the ways of the world and trying to be a good worker as an electrician took priority over living my life for GOD. I thought watching someone preach on Sundays and Billy Graham was good enough activity for my spiritual life. I have always tried to be a good person and treat people with respect and get along with them. Attending different churches over the years, I became a member of several and was baptized for a second time. I was a deacon in an Episcopal Church for awhile as well as a Sunday School teacher for one year. For some reason I just couldn't connect while attending church. I didn't feel like I belonged or was accepted by other church members, so for me it was easier to watch a TV preacher.

In addition to having low back problems, I had surgery on my esophagus and stomach in 1976, a quadruple heart bypass surgery in 1982 and another one in 1993. I know that God has been looking out for me! There were seven incidents that could have taken my life over the years which shows that God was looking after me, for sure. There have been times that He carried me out of harm's way. Many people have prayed for me during these many years. Because of my medical conditions I am disabled, and the days are flying by too quickly. I believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Whatever plan God has for me for the rest of my life, I will do it to the best of my ability. My wife and I decided to move to my hometown for our retirement. We are trying to blend in with people in Rockingham and go to Church when we can. Because we both have medical problems, we sometimes miss church services.

Sometimes for non-Christians, the first step is the hardest to take when trying to accept Jesus into their hearts and become saved by the grace of God. The next step is to find a church that they feel good about and want to get up every Sunday and head off to. They should be baptized as soon as possible. The Bible is a must and should be read as often as possible, so that the Word of God will come to them and show them the way to live their lives. They should start hanging out with Christians and let go of the negative things and people in their lives. Try to be like Jesus Christ. (TRY!)


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