Vera Kinsey - Leetonia OH

When Phil and I married we each had our own agenda. I had just recently escaped with my children from an abusive ex-husband. Out of desperation I asked Jesus into my heart. However, I hadn't made Him Lord of my life yet, when I met Phil. I thought Phil was a gift from God and could solve all my problems. Phil, who was a Buddhist and battered from the war married me because he needed someone to rescue and our family certainly looked like something he could rescue. Almost immediately after we married we both realized that Phil not only couldn't take care of our family, but he couldn't take care of himself. Phil went into a pit of despair and became a hopeless drunk. I became angry and bitter. Finally after years of living in our hopeless situation I turned back to the God I had turned my back on and made Him Lord of my life. Jesus welcomed me back with open arms. After much repentance and healing of my own past God used me to do spiritual warfare and prayer to bring Phil out of the bondage satan had him in. He finally surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ and has worked for Lord ever since. We have worked with Point Man for over ten year's reaching out to veterans and their families who have also suffered from the effects of war. Our personal project with Open Hands & Hearts Missions to Vietnam began after we visited Vietnam in 1992. Since then we have taken several teams of veterans and their loved ones on tactical teams to bring the Gospel of love and forgiveness to a one time enemy. To read more about what these tactical teams are doing please visit our home page


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Point Man International Ministries
PO Box 267
Spring Brook NY 14140
(716) 675-5552
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