Mark Anthony - Hood River OR

Mark Anthony spent 15 months in Nam in 1966-67, in the 4th Infantry, Recon in the Iron Triangle for 9 months and 6 months as a helicopter door gunner. He received 3 purple hearts. When he came home, he got married, had a son and forgot about the war, burying himself in his work, selling insurance, trying to climb the ladder of success. He was in the top 1% nationally and received many awards, but there was no peace, only anger, booze, women, nightmares, flashbacks, etc. Eventually he lost his family, and changed jobs dozens of times. He recommitted himself to the Lord, whom he'd known as a child, but still there was no peace. He was remarried, to Ellen, 9 years later in 1988, and by then he thought he was ok. They became missionaries, traveling to Bulgaria and Russia, but still there was no peace. Mark had been given the book "Nam Vet" in 1992 and had read it, but was in denial about having any problems. They met Chuck Dean, the author of "Nam Vet" while they were in Russia. It wasn't until they came to a crisis point in their marriage after returning from Russia in 1993 when Ellen asked Mark to leave because of the anger, that he again read the Point Man PTSD booklet and "Nam Vet". A light went on. They began attending the Point Man/Homefront meetings in Newberg, Oregon. God's not finished with us yet, but we have come a long way and both of us now understand the part PTS played in our marriage problems. From 1993 to this summer Mark ran the Outpost in The Dalles, Oregon, along with his responsibilities as State Coordinator. God has brought a replacement in Dan Brophy, who now runs The Dalles Outpost. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you just need to talk or need prayer. We're here to serve the veterans of Oregon and their families.

Mark's Website


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Point Man International Ministries
PO Box 267
Spring Brook NY 14140
(716) 675-5552
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(800) 877-VETS - Hotline

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