Lee Craig - Redding CA

I grew up in Shasta County, and was drafted into the Army in 1967 just three months after getting married. I soon found myself in the jungles of Vietnam fighting as a combat soldier. I carried the radio for the company commander so I called in re-supply, medivacs, air strikes, gun ships, etc. The days were long and treacherous, and the nights were dark and lonely. That's where I was spiritually, in the dark and lonely. We walked into an ambush where we had many casualties and I was seriously injured. My war was just starting.

I recovered physically quite fast, but I was struggling mentally, and I was spiritually dead. I started having nightmares, flashbacks, explosive anger, and isolated for years. I felt sorry for myself, didn't tell anyone I was veteran, and sank into deep depression. I often wished I'd died in Vietnam, and I'm sure at times my family did too.

A friend of mine that led a band in a bar asked Christ into his life. I saw God change him and soon realized I wanted what he had. He led me to The Lord and I found the peace I'd been looking for. The nightmares and flashbacks were gone, and The Lord healed me of anger, depression, isolation, and hatred as I let Him work in my life. What seemed like such a negative part of life, God has used for positive.

I opened the Point Man veteran Center in the corner of The Lorenz Hotel in Redding, California in January of 1990. I've been privileged to work with veterans from nine countries. I've been back to Southeast Asia nine times ministering in the remote areas of Laos, Burma, and Vietnam, and we have provided free assistance to hundreds of local veterans. Because of the blessing of my injury, I can be in full time ministry without getting paid. By faith, The Lord has met our needs and will continue to do so as we honor Him.

We provide one on one and group support and ministry. We provide food and clothing for homeless veterans, and we let them use our phone and address to help get jobs. We help veterans get VA health care, benefits, jobs, housing, and many other needs. We provide veteran related self help literature, Bibles, tracts, and mentoring. We are now in the process of starting a transitional house for veterans coming off the street, out of recovery programs, and out of prison. We minister to all veterans regardless of when they were in, what branch of service they were in, what they did, male or female. The bottom line is if a veteran or someone in their family need anything, we will provide it or refer them to a place where they can get it.


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Point Man International Ministries
PO Box 267
Spring Brook, NY 14140
(716) 675-5552
(716) 675-5552 - FAX
(800) 877-VETS - Hotline

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