Jim Brunotte - Vista CA

I served in Vietnam with the 72Oth Military Police, Company "B" better known as the "BUSHWHACKERS" from August 28, 1968, until I was wounded on October 1, 1968. On October 2, I awoke in the 24th Evacuation Hospital with an angel sitting on my bed, Lt. Colleen O'Keefe. Colleen slowly explained everything that had happened to me. I didn't remember the explosion, that in time, turned out to be a gift from God.

Colleen said, "Jim, you are in the 24th Evac. Hospital. You've been injured; please remain quiet." I asked, "Why can't I talk right? Why can't I see out of my right eye? Why can't I move my arms?" These were just a few of the hundred questions I had.

Colleen began to explain, "Jim, your jaw has been shattered and wired shut, your nose is broken and you are breathing through a tracheotomy." I asked for a mirror. Colleen got one and when I saw my reflection, I asked her to take it away. Colleen went on to explain, "Jim, your right arm is broken and dislocated at the elbow, the nerve to your hand has been severed, but all of this is going to be fixed. Your left arm was blown off just below the elbow." I replied, "Boy! When Charlie wants you out of here he does a good job! I want to sit up." Colleen replied, "You can't !" To which I replied, "Lt. don't tell me I can't. I got over polio as a child; I'll get over this. What else is there?" She said, "Jim, both your legs were blown off just above your knees." I exclaimed, "Boy! Charlie does a damn good job when he wants you out of country!"

Several days passed and I started asking for Robert Alicea. That's when Colleen realized that, I didn't remember Alicea being in the jeep when we went over the landmine. Finding out Alicea had been killed was the worst part and to this day it's difficult at times to bear.

Remains of Jim's Jeep

I had asked Jesus into my heart at the age of 15 in an Awana Youth program in my hometown of Chicago. I hadn't been in God's will for some time but I sure was in His care. Proverbs 3:5 states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Now during one of the most difficult times in my life, I was getting peace, from Jesus.

On the plane ride back to "the world", I clung onto a hymn book given to me by a Chaplain in Japan at Camp Drake. I realized that, I wasn't in as bad a shape, as many of my fellow soldiers on the plane. I could have been a lot worse off. That's when I told the Lord, "Thank You Lord, I still have an arm that's repairable, an eye and a will to live."

After getting out of the military, I fought hard to get my life under control. After a year I joined the ranks of many other Vietnam veterans; getting involved with self medication, prescription drugs and alcohol. Then, in the next five years I was divorced twice.

Over the years I thought I had adjusted well to my military experience. I gained national recognition as Handicapped Coloradoan 1971, Disabled American Veteran 1975, Handicapped Californian 1976, and in 1979 I received Handicapped American of the year awarded by President Carter.

In 1988 my life had started to come apart again. I had been married for 12 years and doing pretty well, I thought. I sought the counsel of a Pastor, Steve Laug. Steve was instrumental in my getting a grip on my life but it was only by coming back to Jesus and giving Christ my heart. My wife Jeri, (Jeryll) and I have been involved with church ever since. Today we are members at Palomar Community Church.

Over the last thirty some years I've always wondered what really happened on October 1, 1968. I searched for the truth and on several occasions I was given incorrect information. Then I asked God to allow the truth to come to me, when HE knew I was ready to handle it with HIM. Since that prayer, a lot has come into God's light. I was contacted by a fellow MP and he, Mickey, told me what had happened that day. When Robert and I hit the landmine, at 5:55 PM. Cpl. Woody Morgan and Pfc. "Mickey" Coto ran to our aid. When they reached us they started receiving small weapons fire from about 5 or 6 Viet Cong. Morgan dove on top of me to protect me from receiving any further wounds. Mickey jumped in the ditch, right next to Alicea, who had been killed instantly. Morgan started working on me to stop the bleeding, they called for a Dustoff. The Dustoff arrived and Morgan and Mickey loaded me on the Dust-off. At 6:35 the Dust-off arrived at the 24th Evac. Hospital.

I always felt I couldn't relate to a Vietnam veteran because I was only in country for five weeks. Then, in 1989 I received a REVEILLE at a men's retreat. I realized that I have an enormous amount in common with my fellow veterans. The difference between most of us is that most of my wounds are visible and were treated but the wounds to my spirit, and mind were left untreated. Brothers and Sisters, many of your emotional wounds are far worse, then my visible ones. It's time to ask Jesus Christ to heal those wounds.

Today by the grace of God, my wife Jeri and I are happily married and have raised a family in Southern California. I now serve the Lord and my fellow veterans as the Pacific Region Director for Point Man Ministries. I returned to Vietnam in 1995 and 1996 with Open Hands & Hearts Mission team. This ministry is headed up by Phil & Vera Kinsey of Point Man Ministries, who take veterans and interested parties to Vietnam. While in this war torn land that I desired to help back in 1968, I found total peace. We helped to build a small apartment complex to house Leprosy patients, feed the needy children in Saigon and numerous other things. In June of 2000 Jeri and I and a best friend went to the East coast, we were able to visit with Robert's brothers, sisters, their families, and Robert's mother. I made a promise to Robert in 1968 that I'd find his family and spend time with them. God allowed me to spend two beautiful afternoons getting to know more about Robert. The following statement was written by Judy Alicea, Robert's youngest sister:

"Dear Jim & Jeri, Thanks so much for visiting my family. It was such a pleasure to meet you and your Very lovely wife. It was a nice thing you did, contacting my family, and I'm so glad you did. I hope this is not going to be a one time thing. I would like to always keep in touch. I feel as though we have found another part of the family.



PS: The flowers you put on Robert's grave were still there on Father's Day!!"

Get involved with a local Point Man group there's a healing by God awaiting you. If there isn't a Point Man group in your area get involved with a Bible "teachin/preachin" church and consider starting a Point Man outpost in your area. It's time that this great country we fought for turns back to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Who better to lead this nation back to Godly principles than Vietnam Veterans, that were rejected, condemned and some spit upon. Wasn't there someone about 2000 years ago that was rejected, spit upon, then condemned to death, was crucified, died and then arouse from the grave? Won't you let HIM heal your wounds?


Listen to the song: "All Angels Aren't in Heaven"

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