Fred Grigg - Queensland AUSTRALIA

I was accepted into the RAAF in August 1958 - I wanted to join as an apprentice when I was 15 but without my Dad's consent could not, as I was under 21. So, I took the exams and medical when I turned 18 but he still would not allow it - he was ex-RAAF WWII and did not want his son to ever go through what he did! (How many can relate to that?) However, he relented in January 1961 as I was going to enlist anyway in July that year when I turned 21. I enlisted for 6 years. Did my Recruit Training (Boot Camp) in NSW at Wagga Wagga. I was posted to Victoria in June to undergo training at RAAF School of Radio as an electronic technician. Insufficiant numbers to start course and after several months I 're-mustered' to undergo training at the RAAF School of Clerical and Administration back at Wagga Wagga. I successfully completed the course as a Clerk Equipment and was post to No 2 Stores Depot in Sydney. Shortly after being promoted to Leading Aircraftsman (LAC) I was posted to served at RAAF Ubon, Thailand. I served there from April to October (I was eventually awarded the Australian Service Medal 1945-1975 with clasp Thailand and Returned from Active Service Badge). In January 1964 I was posted to RAAF Headquarters Support Command in Melbourne, Victoria. I remained there until I was promoted to Corporal. Soon after I was posted to RAAF Richmond NSW where I was placed in charge of No 2 Aircraft Depot's Tool Store and Purchasing Section. Several months later they called for volunteers from my mustering and rank to be trained as Loadmaster for the C130A model Hercules of our No 36 Squadron. I successfully complete an Air Movements Training Course; a combined Loadmasters Course for both Caribou and Hercules aircraft.

I was promoted to Sergeant and began flying with 36 Squadron in late 1965. It was in May '66 that I became qualified to fly into any situation, which obviously included Vietnam. I flew with 36 Squadron until PTSD (with hindsite!) forced me to apply for discharge in late September 1968. After many interviews I was granted an honourable dicharge November 22, 1968 (For my service in Vietnam I was eventually awarded the Australian Active Service Medal 1945-1975 with clasp Vietnam; the Vietnam Logistic Support Medal).

In my career with the RAAF I saw service overseas in:
Papua-New Guinea
New Zealand

Of course the interesting thing is that in all those places I took an inordinant look at all the various religions in those places. Little did I realise that it was part of the Lord's plan to equip me for the work that I was to do for him later in life! PTL!!

Mandate Ministries began in 1978, soon after my wife Barbara and I finally got the courage to resign (which was no easy matter) from the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's). We had been deceived in 1968 by the JW's and the teachings and practices of their backing organisation, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. We were held captive - one could say in a prison without bars - for 10 years!

The invaluable insights we had gained being on the 'inside' of the 'New World Order' of the JW's that eventually launched this ministry. Shortly after leaving we found that we were in demand to assist others who were facing problems that had been created by the JW's. From our success in helping others, and as our work became more widely known, problems caused by other extreme religious groups began to be included in our expertise. Where we could not initially answer peoples' questions - we found answers for them!

We have conducted extensive lecture tours throughout Australia and the Pacific Islands. For many years I was a visiting lecturer in several different mainline Bible colleges. Those colleges have credibility with all recognised and accepted denominations, police units, social welfare agencies and all forms of the media.

I received a Bachelor of Religious Education Degree from Jubilee International Theological College (for which I majored in Christian Apologetics [a defence of the Christian faith]). My thesis was titled, "On the Fringe" It was a closer look at more than 50 cult groups (operating in Australia - many of whom are local 'branches' of the 'parent' group from overseas) and their aberrant teachings and practices. Most of those documented were cult groups who claim to be Christian, many of which functioned within the periphery of Christianity - undetected by most as being dangerous to one's health and spiritual well-being.


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