Doris Hyland - Ovid MI

I was born to and raised by a Christian mother who was active in the Methodist church all her life. My father rarely attended church during my childhood, but became active toward the end of his life. With this background it's a little hard to say exactly when I first came to know the Lord.

My early adulthood was traumatic. My first marriage was at an early age (16 yrs.) to an abusive man, who at the end of our marriage (9 yrs) I personally caught with my 14 yr. old cousin. At this point we divorced and I began my life as a single parent of two small boys.

The next 20 yrs. I basically spent on my own raising my two sons, working, and going to college. During this time I grew to learn who I was as a person, gained a college education (BSW plus 1 yr. Grad. studies), and learned what the Lord meant to me personally. I always had a heart for the disadvantaged or those with special needs and the Lord led me toward a profession of helping others. Consequently I spent twenty years working as a social worker; primarily with the developmentally disabled. Still there was a yearning within my soul to carry this farther.

I struggled for a long time wondering whether someone who was divorced, and was a woman, could use her God given abilities for the Lord's work.

Ten years ago I met and later married James Hyland. Jim spent 22+ years in the military and is retired from the USAF. He served 3 tours in the Vietnam War and as an after affect of his combat experience has P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), plus several other disabilities. Less than a year after we were married we unexpectantly got custody of his youngest son, who is afflicted with 9 different disabilities (all commonly associated with children whose parents were exposed to Agent Orange).

Due to my relationship with Jim and his son I became very involved with organizations connected with Vietnam veterans and their families. I developed a program for female partners/or children of veterans who experience PTSD. I did many presentations locally and even received a national award from the Disabled American Veterans for this work. This material was distributed nationally and internationally. Through the presentations I came in contact with PMIM (Point Man International Ministries). This ministry gave me the connection I had been seeking to have God's word be a part of my work in helping others. I have been affiliated with them since 1992.

I am very involved with my church, Trinity Fellowship Church. I am a Lay Minister within the church and preach about every 6 weeks. I was also recently elected the Chairperson of the Church Board. Our Church is a non-denominational Christian Church with the motto, "The Church With Open Arms". We are a strongly biblically based church with major emphasis on reaching out to those who are lonely and hurting. Jim says it's the only church in which he's felt welcomed since he came home from Vietnam.

In conclusion, the Lord Jesus Christ is my savior and has led me in a path of service for others. My goal is to continue to do this, Lord willing, as long as I am able. I desire to continue to gain knowledge of His will through study of the Bible and through other biblical resources, to further God's message of love and truth.


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