Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan

Looking Ahead

By M.L. Morgan

Well, race fans, the 2000 Season is nearing its end. It has not been dull. We'll do an overview in another piece. Now we'll take a quick leap forward to 2001.

Many changes await us. Changing T.V. coverage. Changing schedule. Changing teams.

We think the changing t.v. coverage may be the most significant difference in 2001. Many race fans are unable to attend as many races as they would like, ourselves included, and have to watch the races on t.v. For years we have been short-changed by mediocre coverage. Sure, we saw pictures of Ricky Rudd's feet at the road courses, but we also saw 20 minutes of commercials every hour. We missed one-third of every race. That's a bunch of crap.

The triumverate of networks which will broadcast the races next season has spent a fortune for the rights. We doubt these networks will risk their investments by offering this same mediocre coverage for 2001. We anticipate some meaningful improvements including virtually 100% coverage of all races, with commercials displayed as a mini-screen, along with the live race coverage. We think this will be a great deal for all race fans. There have long been "t.v. timeouts" for all the stick and ball sports so the fans wouldn't miss any of the action. We know this won't work for autoracing and we think the superimposed mini-screen is a fine idea. In fact, we wish we would have thought of the idea ourselves - we would have suggested it to the networks long ago. But we didn't. Such is life.

The new announcing teams are yet to be tested. Even the wiliest veteran will be sorely pressed to get a word in edgewise with D.W. in the booth. D.W. is very knowledgeable, but a little D.W. goes a long ways. We are glad God invented the 'mute' button on our remote control.

The changing schedule is a different story. Now we have 36 official (points) races in about 42 weeks. Of course we don't count the two-week spectacle at Daytona which culminates in one real race in this tally. That has always been b.s. of the highest order. We wouldn't wish that crap upon even a Ford fan.

We understand Nascar's desire to expand their market to new venues. Just bidness, man. New tracks in new areas. New fans. New ticket-buyers. Aha !

We know about bidness. But we also know about loyalty. Out of character - I have been personally involved with racing for more than 35 years. If Nascar chooses to take a race date from my local track to give it to some track in Canada, like Chicago, I'll be very ill, and very vocal.

Nascar survived its formative years with the support of loyal fans. We think Nascar should never lose sight of that.

The bidness part of Nascar has been so pervasive Nascar has seemed to have forgotten the race teams are composed of human beings. Only the race cars are machines. The 2001 Season will end with 20 consecutive race weeks. We think this is preposterous. The 2001 Champion may very well be the driver of the 500-man team with the resources to be at full-strength throughout this period. That's not racing - that's b.s.

We mentioned changing teams also. Who cares - that happens every year.

Mike Morgan

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