Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan

Celebrate !

By M.L. Morgan

Well, race fans, we are not trainees, but we never cease to be amazed at the extremes to which some wannabe journalists will stoop to create controversy.

Most recent case in point: Little E drinking a sip of Budweiser in the winner's circle.

We think even mentioning this is pathetic.

Dale Earnhardt Jr is well beyond the age of consent. The very idea that some self-serving, pompous wannabe writers can find fault with this, is outrageous. We think these punks should try to find lives of their own.

We enjoy Little E's exuberance. We think he is the most honest and most refreshing expression we have seen for quite some time.

We don't understand why these punk 'journalists' can be so cruel. And selfish. This is another occasion when wannabe's search for a cause. We think they should be searching for lives of their own.

We don't do a column for the life-lorn. And we don't plan to.

We think it is very refreshing to see a young man like Little E express his emotions. If he wants to take a slug of Budweiser, that's fine. No harm, no foul. He won't be driving home. No one has forgotten what Robbie Moroso did.

Maybe some of the juvenile 'journalists' just don't know any better. We hope that's their excuse. Beats the hell out of stupidity. Which is the true explanation.

I rarely speak out of character. I use the editorial "we" when I'm writing. That's as it should be. Race Views is not one person. I'll make an exception.

I am enraged that some idiots chose to make an issue of the kid drinking a beer. I think that is criminal. They were either foisting their own beliefs upon us or they were trying to increase their internet circulation. "I don't want my kids to see him drinking a beer". What a bunch of crap. I've unsubscribed to their newsletters.

What should have been such a special moment, watching Little E celebrate his second victory was diminished because of small-minded wannabes. I wish these morons would go back to judging flower shows, or whatever it is they might know about, if anything.

I can't make these fools go away just by wishing it. So I'll speak my mind.

We'll be back

Mike Morgan

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