Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan

Another Article By An Idiot

By M.L. Morgan

Well, race fans, the writer from Hell has struck again. John Gearan has offered an explanation to his "Speed Bump" article. This one is even more lame than the original.

We will not post the URL. We will never do that. This person sucks and we will not help his "career".

Now he is whining about being labelled "insensitive". I didn't say he is insensitive, I said he is an asshole.

We hate for carpetbaggers to visit Nascar Racing. These puppies try to put their spin on racing when they know nothing about it. I don't write about ice-hockey because I know nothing about it. Maybe Gearan should avoid racing for the same reason.

Quite frankly, we are amazed this person even has a job. Says very little for his newspaper. We think the editors there look at nothing but hit-counters.

We don't like this non-journalism the least little bit. This punk got his '15 minutes of fame' writing an incendiary article about the death of a young driver. It was in bad taste. His follow-up is even worse. It is disgusting.

We are rarely at a loss for words. Maybe we are just so shocked - or so suprised by his insensitivity. We don't have that same 'bottom-line' mentality.

We have written hundreds, maybe thousands of pieces over the years. We have never had the need to apologize for any of them. Not all of our stuff won Pulitzer Prizes, but we never pandered. We were honest and we tried to speak for the fans.

We think this moron is pandering. We don't like that a bit.

We know it's nearly impossible to keep idiots off the internet. I don't know the cure. Won't look for one.

There is no other sport which is so personal as Winston Cup Racing. We get to know all the competitors, along with their families. They welcome us into their homes. And into their lives. We all share the good times, and the difficult times. It's very special.

We are not a closed community. We greet all fans with open arms. "Glad you could make the race !" Hope you have a great time ! But we have very little tolerance for assholes.

Helen Waite hates when I am indelicate, so I won't be. John Gearan is a blight on the all journalists. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. You have no idea what I intended to say.

Mike Morgan

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