Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan

Racism Revisited

By M.L. Morgan

(April 27, 1999)

Well, race fans, the current "hot" topic is racism in racing. What a bunch of crap. Race Views addressed that 'non-issue' 18 months ago. Racing and Racism. So Bryant Gumbel does a pathetic piece on HBO and all the little media puppies are following. IRACE and Speedworld, for example. I respect both sites but this "jump on the bandwagon" mentality tests my patience.

I hate this mentality, particularly when it is demonstrated by people who have access to a lot of readers. This isn't crap, this is bullshit.

Bryant Gumbel is a acknowledged idiot. What he knows about Winston Cuo Racing wouldn't fill a thimble. He is a pompous fool. He knows how to get ratings for his show.

Racism is real. It is demonstrated in all walks of life. I don't need some moron in a $2,000 suit to tell me there may be racism in Winston Cup Racing. Spare me, please.

Winston Cup Racing isn't about racism - it's about racing. On qualifying days there is no provisional for the minority teams - it's who ran the fastest times. No team is barred entry because of their minority status. Felix Sabates is a classic example. He came here from Cuba and eventually became quite successful. He has spent millions of dollars competing in Winston Cup. He is neither given special treatment, nor denied any of the things the other teams are offered. He and Dave Marcis and Rick Hendrick are all equals on qualifying day.

Surely there are individuals involved in Winton Cup Racing who are racists. There are also stock brokers and grocery store employees who are racists. Why doesn't Bryant Gumbel do a story on them ? Because Winston Cup Racing is the hottest ticket there is. He is fighting for ratings points - not equality. And the media puppies who have followed in his path are equally disgusting.

Race Views will never stoop to that level. Racism sucks - at the track or at the grocery store. It's a fact of life. Race Views can't change that and we won't exploit that fact to gain readers.

Have comments or questions ? E:mail:M.L. Morgan

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