Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan

And Then There Were None

By M.L. Morgan

(Novenber 10, 1998) - I'm a regular American man. I root for the underdogs. I'm also the staunchest of Winston Cup fans. Tough combination. This year I had to root for everybody but Jeff Gordon. That sucks. I don't care to root against anyone.

Jeff Gordon has had a tremendous season. 13 victories. Tied Richard Petty for the modern-era record. He didn't even have to go to Atlanta to secure his 3rd title. But he went anyway. Maybe Pepsi had something to do with that decision.

The NAPA 500 was really a terrible race . It was a desperate, B.S. call by Nascar to even run this race. It should have been postponed. I'm sure all 12 of the fans who stayed to see the end of this spectacle were paid by Nascar - can't have empty seats - wouldn't look good. What a bunch of crap.

I hate to see such a momentous season end on such a weak note. Jeff Gordon is in the process of setting some records which will be hard to equal. They may well be equalled or surpassed but I doubt it will be in my lifetime. I've been around long enough to see all of Richard Petty's records attained. The next generation of professional, unbiased reporters will have to chronicle all of Jeff Gordon's achievements.

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