Race Views Editorial By M.L. Morgan


By M.L. Morgan

(September 24, 1998) - We just saw Dale Earnhardt, Jr. get the richest contract in the history of Winston Cup Racing, despite the fact he hasn’t competed in a single Cup race. Makes you think, doesn’t it. At least it makes me think. I’m like that.

Our “sport” has grown into quite a business. Ten million bucks from a single sponsor is unprecedented. That’s a whole lot of cans of Budweiser. Probably more than I’ll drink this year. Trust me.

Where does all this money come from ? Anheuser Busch isn’t being altruistic. It’s a business deal. If they think lizards can sell beer, they are certain to think someone named Earnhardt can sell even more beer. It boggles my mind.

Dave Marcis sells a quarter-panel ad on his car for 800 bucks. He has won 5 Cup races and ran 2nd to Richard Petty in the points championship. He hasn’t received 10 million bucks in sponsorship in 29 years. What’s wrong with this picture ?

This isn’t brain surgery. There’s a lot of money to be made in Winston Cup Racing. Budweiser just wants their part. They sponsored losers like Ken Schrader and Ricky Craven and now they want to jump on Little E’s bandwagon. If the boy bolo’s Budweiser can write off the 50 M. I can’t afford Budweiser even now so I don’t care if they raise the price.

While we’re talking about sponsors, I always wondered just which car God sponsors. I hear these drivers climbing out of their cars, thanking Dupont and Chevrolet, or Valvoline and Ford, and their various and sundry sponsors, and frequently thanking God. Does God sponsor a quarter-panel ? I have yet to see a halo decal on any of these cars. Have you ever heard a runner-up thank God for his 3rd place finish ? This is hypocrisy of the highest magnitude.

Maybe King William II gets a kickback from God. I wouldn’t put it past him.

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