
[Rave Mode ON] (This is SO much better than being in Rant Mode)

Single Moms

Okay, I'm a single mom, but I'm not here to rave about myself. I'm extraordinarily fortunate in my single mom-ness as my mother lives with me and helps significantly with the raising of my son. I'm also extremely fortunate to have about the best ex-husband a gal can have if one must have an ex-husband. He pays his child support regularly and gives me the freedom to raise our son as I see best fits. (BIG raves for him and other responsible non-custodial parents!!) Today, I'm here to rave about single moms who make it without the things I'm so fortunate to have.

Recently, I became acquainted with one of the other moms from the pre-school my son goes to. Single moms have a special look about them that makes them reasonably easy to spot and I knew that she was a single mom before we really had a chance to get to know each other. I wanted to get to know her better, so at a recent birthday party that our kids had been invited to, I struck up a conversation with her. We had the best time talking, and I soon came to know that she and her daughter's father had never been married. I learned that he got scared when faced with impending fatherhood and after the birth of their beautiful daughter (and she really is beautiful…big huge brown eyes) took off. He doesn't pay child support with any regularity, and when he does, it is so little that it can't possibly come close to paying half of the expenses of raising a child. She, meanwhile, makes ends meet by working as a clerk in a retail store. She shares her bedroom with her daughter because two bedrooms is too expensive.

I've never ever heard her complain. She always has a ready smile and a quiet word of encouragement. She speaks kindly of her daughter's father. She has amazing patience with her daughter, and hovers over her like someone caring for the most precious treasure they have. She is endlessly positive. I admire the heck out of her, not only because she works so hard to have a good life for herself and her daughter but also because she does so with such style and grace.

Big raves for men and women who raise their children alone. It's a tough job, and they are doing it day in and day out. If you know a single parent and want to applaud them, you might invite them and their kids to dinner. You might offer to babysit one night so they can have some rare time alone. To all single parents out there: keep up the good work!

[Rave Mode OF..wait a minute...why stop thinking of good things to say?]

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