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Results of Lupinus arboreus experiments

These results show some of the results of parts of the experiments carried out by students from my classes. These do not include observations, raw data or explanations of processing of data. The graphs only indicate the type of results which one might expect to get after carrying out some of the suggested experiments.

These are not necessarily the "correct" or "expected" results - they are the results obtained when students designed and carried out their own investigations.


1. The effect of leaf age on the degree of leaf folding

In this experiment students measured the internal leaf angles of 50 mature and 50 juvenile leaves using simple cardboard templates so the angles could be estimated to within plus or minus 5 degrees.

Thanks to Sandhya Deo for these results


2. The effect of shelter from sun and wind on leaf angle

In this experiment leaf angles were taken for mature leaves sheltered in the centre of the bush and also from mature leaves which were exposed to the sun and moon on the top of the bush.

Thanks to James van Rij for these results


3. Investigating the factors affecting the maintenance of dormancy

Students were interested in which factors were the most important in maintaining dormancy of the seeds of Lupinus arboreus. A number of different possibilities were tested, the graph below show the germination rate for some of the factors investigated. They used concentrated sulphuric acid and soaked the seeds for 5 minutes before rinsing them in distilled water (supervision is required for this procedure).

Thanks to Ruth Trevathan for these results


4. Which surface of the leaflet has the greatest transpirational water losses

Vaseline was used to provide water-proof coverings on the different surfaces of the leaf. Absolute weight losses were converted to percentage weight losses so the results would be easier to compare

Thanks to Marlene Wiryawan for these results




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