reader reviews

Episode 9: Walk in My Shoes


This episode is part 2 of 3; see the Mirror, Mirror reviews for comments on the whole trilogy.

Maggie (maggie13@BELLSOUTH.NET), 15 September 1999:

I've read the first two eps of the arc and will start on the last one tomorrow hopefully. Can I just say right now, reading this arc, is like *watching an ep in my mind* The characters are so well focused, the dialog and situations so well thought out, it *feels* like an ep.

I am not sure if I know how to convey this, it's just that many times reading fics although they are Lois and Clark and even *sound* like Lois and Clark, they are Lois and Clark in an Alternate Universe of the Fanfic kind in my brain. However, on S6, the whole construction of the actual fic, the scene changes, the cliffhangers, the plot lines (except for the dweeby ones the show had sometimes, S6 would rank as one of the all time best seasons if it was actually produced!) Uhm, where was I? Oh, yes! these stories are to me, just like an episode *should* be and I am in awe of all of you who have produced this Season.

Hmm, see, now all that babble was MaggieSpeak for "Thank you Sheila for writing such a wonderful story!"


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Strained Relations | For the Good of the Child | Bedtime Stories
The Last Time I Saw Elvis | Hypergirl | Hand of Fate | Fatal Attraction
Turn Around | Walk In My Shoes | Mirror, Mirror
Movers and Shakers | Labyrinth | Preparations
Stronger Than Me Alone

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