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Zero Man Survivor
Faith that you'll never miss
Mess with us,
For sure you'll meet your doom,
As no one survives against us,
Join and unite with us,
For we will protect thee...
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Posted: Feb, 02 2002
ZMS leader is back at playing and has managed to find many godly items.
Proud to be
Posted: Feb, 20 2002
xZMSx starts a new barbarian with a new member of our clan *Killopopo
Posted: Feb, 26 2002
*Killopopo's new charc had been corrupted to level 102 how ever blizzard managed to restore it.
Posted: Feb, 26 2002
*xZMSx's new barb is now lv 62 and has a history of owning a level 86 and lvl 80 barbarians.