Rhyden Latham
Race: Wroonian
Skin: Blue
Hair: Navy
Blaster 4D+2
(s) BlasTech T-6 "Thunderer" 5D+2
Dodge 4D+2
Persuasion 4D+2
(s) Flirt 5D+2
Streetwise 3D
Tactics 3D
Starfighter Piloting 6D+2
(s) X-Wing 7D+2
Starship Gunnery 6D+2

Move: 10
Charater Points: 16
Force Points: 1
BlasTech T-6 "Thunderer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ammo: 25 Cost: 750 Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-7/25/50
Damage: 7D+2 (Modified from 6D+2)
SoroSuub Stormtrooper Two Blaster Carbine
Molecular Stiletto
combat jumpsuit
Castaan Staad Armor
Cost: 750
(+1D Physical, +1D Energy to torso)
blast helmet
wrist chronometer w/ all the extras except the droid linkup
scout's backpack
breath mask
5 power packs
Currency 366,009 Cr

Rhyden joined a black market organization as hired muscle as his first work experience. The work was so profitable, he stayed on. Rhyden proved to be so effective as a trooper that he was given additional blaster training by the organization's weapons masters. Rhyden excelled at his training and soon equaled his masters. As Rhyden's skill increased, so did his pay. Rhyden soon gained some fame as gunslinger in the organization during his engagements with Imperial troops, bounty hunters, and rival organizations.
Rhyden was given command of a squad of the organization's troops because of his weapons expertise. While Rhyden had weapons skill and some grasp of tactics, he was not the best leader. Ryden did little to train his men and did nothing to discipline them. His employers were less than fully pleased with Rhyden's lack of excellence in command.
The black market org. catered to a wide market. It was just the tastes of one wealthy customer which brought Rhyden back into the good graces of his employers. The wealthy customer was obsessed with X-Wing fighters and was willing to pay a high price for the X-Wings. In meeting their customers demands, the org. decided to seize X-Wings from the Rebels since the Rebels wouldn't sell them. The highly complicated seizure did not go entirely according to plan: the black marketeers troops were discovered, and had to fight an air and space battle to escape with their lives. In the battle, Rhyden proved to be somewhat of a prodigy, and vaped more Rebels than any of the other surviving black market troopers.
But Rhyden's value to his employers only continued to rise. As it turns out, the wealthy customer did not want to pay for the X-Wings, and incompetently attacked the black marketeers as they ferried the X-Wings to the wealthy man's personal luxury liner. Rhyden was the last one to ferry an X-Wing to the yacht. He noticed the suspicious actions of the wealthy man's servants. Rhyden immediately launched away from the liner and did serious damage to the liner in a surprise attack while fending off mercenary pilots the wealthy man hired for the ambush. Rhyden's attack forced the wealthy man and his mercenaries to try to flee. The wealthy man didn't get far, the damage Rhyden dealt to the liner was enough to allow the black marketeer ships to disable the liner with ion weapons.
The trouble didn't end there, the wealthy man had Imperial connections, and had sold out the black marketeers to the Imperials. Some portions of the black market organization sold spice, and they were known to arm the Rebels on occasion, so they were high on the Imperial hit-list. The Imperials were supposed to join the battle in media res, overwhelm, and arrest the black market forces for piracy. The Imperials jumped in system as the black marketeers were ferrying the X-Wings, en masse, back to the black market ship. Rhyden led a near suicidal attack on the Imperial fighters to allow the black market cargo ship time to jump to hyperspace. Rhyden's attack repulsed the Imperial fighters just long enough. Needless to say, Rhyden was hailed as the organization's martial hero for sometime thereafter.
Despite the fact that the black marketeers used a circuitous jump sequence to get home, the Imperials were able to follow the black marketeers back to their base. The Imperials attacked while Rhyden and his squad happened to be on ground scout patrol. Rhyden and his squad stumbled upon a squad of Imperial scouts. Rhyden's squad fought the Imperials to a phyrric victory. Afterwards, Rhyden alerted the black market base of the impending Imperial attack. Rhyden watched AT-STs and other Imperial ground troops pound the black market base to slag from a nearby mountain range. The black market martial command told Rhyden to save his own skin. Rhyden stayed around only long enough to watch the TIE Bombers destroy the hangars which sheltered his beloved X-Wing.
Ryden made his way to StarForge Station, one of the many shadowports at which his black market org. did business, to find new work.


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