Zentra yoga


The Lineage

The Teachers

The Locations

the Schedules

The Fees

Hatha Yoga

Asanas (Postures)

Kundalini Yoga

Free Yoga Book

Yaizu Studio


A trial class is offer for free, just need to reserve since our space is limited.

class are 1500 yen per class.

Subscriptions are per month at 6000 Yen for four classes, and 1200 Yen per additional class during the same month.

Two months subscription is requested for the initial registration.





Shizuoka Studio


A trial class is offer for free, just need to reserve since our space is limited.

class are 2000 yen per class.

Subscriptions are per month at 8000 Yen for four classes, and 1500 Yen per additional class during the same month.

Two months subscription is requested for the initial registration.



Meditations are by donations,