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Urška M. Kos

Urška M. Kos, an academic skilled musical pedagogics, lives in Zagorje ob Savi, where she had attended primary music school before enrolling at the secondary school of music and ballet, which she finished in year 2000.

Urška gained many valuable experiences singing in different choirs in Slovenia and abroad: MPZ Juventus under the leadership of Franci Steban, MeMPZ of the secondary school of music and ballet under the leaderships of Tomaž Habe and Ambrož Čopi, MeMPZ Veter under the leadership of Urša Lah, MePZ Ave under the leadership Branka Potočnik Krajnik; etc. These experiences helped her in her growth as a singer and conductor.

In 2001 Urška participated in the European Youth Choir singing under the leadership of Carl Högset. She is a member of the Academy of Music chamber choir, which is conducted by M.Vatovec.

Urška is also quite active in the field of composing. In 2000 she took par at a competition called »Europe in school« and won second place with an arrangement of a folk song »Ocveo si mi , ocveo cvetek« for a mixed choir.

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