You don't wanna mess with me!
Click on Calvin to check out what's buggin' him.

Updates Dark matter, to fill the empty space.
Some "Hot Men" The journey so far's been a bit slow, eh? How 'bout a joy ride on the little engine that could. WARNING: This page contains material that may corrupt your virgin eyes.
Homer's Head Okay, we've fooled around enough. Time to do something other than gawk at the screen. Jump onto the magic school bus for an exploration of the three pounds of flesh that make us human. No, not the gluteus maximus!
Photographic Memories This page has been too impersonal, don't you think? I love you people. "I love you too but you're not getting my budlight® Jimmy."
Wishful Thinking Remember Homer's brain? Well, I've been staring at that for a while and it's really got me thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. If everything works out, this journey back to the future won't look too unfamiliar in ten years.
Random Thoughts Okay, now I will take you on a journey through my twisted mind. Maybe then you'll understand the workings of my yellow submarine.
It's Time to Go So I guess you're ready to leave now, huh? Well, since the winds have changed and Mary Poppins is leaving, let's go fly a kite with pops (Mr. Banks). Wait, you have to come back after you go to sign my guest book.

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