Hello, and welcome to my guestbook. The people here that you see are the cool people, and everyone else you don't see here are the ones that are too busy to be cool, or are cool and don't find the need to be any cooler. Have a nice day.

ian - 12/24/00 01:37:14
My Email:not on your life
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): cd player
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): music

odd ... downright odd. i don't get it, and i think that's for the better. but it is an odd of the highest quality, good job.

Jeremy Chow - 12/23/00 07:24:26
My Email:plumpnjuicy@hotmail.com

hi yvonne.... I think your categories above are completely stupid, thats why i didnt fill out the last two. I dont have a fav. toy, and i didnt wanna fill in an activity--hahahah....anyways...interesting webpage....what's up with the jack in the box theme? Well, gtg. ."we wont make it till u order it"!

Lee - 12/23/00 00:16:00
My URL:http://www.huh.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): checking dvonch's page for updates
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): you said to keep it clean.....

Remind me never to drive you anywhere.

lauE - 12/22/00 09:27:03
My Email:lauE@juno.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): fleece!
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): finding spare change in phone booths

yvonne, you are so sneaky to add things w/out telling me...although i'm glad you cleaned up your act by deleting some obscene pics...who is that in your f&f poster standing on the street corner? i wanna see your film afterwards.

the savage beast - 12/02/00 08:59:46
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): yvonne's "team bc" bookmark
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): making fun of yvonne

hey, yvonne "the man"...so, i figured i better sign your guestbook, just so that nobody would think i was "too busy" to be cool. i like your new halloween pics. i especially like that "superman" one i took of you in front of the garbage can. i have exc llent taste, don't i? the location somehow seemed to suit you. anyway, now you can't yell at me for not signing your guestbook (not like i ever listen to you anyway, but hey). oh, and on a final note, my short shorts are no worse than you trying to tak off parts of that clown costume of yours during the dance...

vic - 11/09/00 03:30:41
My Email:itsjustvic@aol.com
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): not living, not dying -- something in between

hey yvonne... i finally visited your page... quirky and perfectly 'yvonne'-ish, if there be a term. dont quite know how to respond/take some of the pictures, and quite a few are tad bit odd, some disturbing, and others totally you :) ... anyway, thank y u for sharing. cya, vic

Spank a little dittle doo ! - 11/07/00 10:45:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/dvonch0
My Email:fat_hiny@chubby.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): that little red hair step child boy across the street
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): eat fruitypebbles cuz it makes my BED ROCK!

actualy my favorite toy..when clean, are bananafishes and squishy tomatoes. dont ask, they please me intensely. And when i pulled my thumb out of the incredulousy crowded hole, i gave it a vigor pull due to the resisting pressure encountered, and it mad a little pop noise.

so what where you thinking of? =)

Michelle - 11/06/00 00:07:42
My URL:www.inme.com
My Email:cuprite@excite.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): napster
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): hiking

bizarre website yvonne. i went to all the parts of it because i could not tell what they were going to be. the ebloa part is kinda sick, i can't believe i recognized the virus. i like the animation though, and jack.

saki - 11/04/00 11:01:26
My Email:tootle64@aol.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): it has to be clean??
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): not being there when yvonne makes fun of me

hey, doodoohead (is that one word?). anyway, at first i thought of refusing to sign your guestbook, in fear of providing you with anything else that you might use to make me look really stupid or embarrass me. but i figured how much worse could it get? s , i finally looked at your website... i don't know whether to be worried or wierded out. kay, i've written enough. now, about those guys, de...

lauE - 11/04/00 00:49:00
My Email:lauE@juno.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): anything bright and shiny
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): editing my college apps

ok yvonne...so i'm adding numbers to your guest book (even though you forced me to come here)...where are all the pictures of me? you really need to add some halloween pics to the friend page. by the way, that one of my cousin and nathan is really sweet, but please get rid of that asian pimp picture--it's rather disturbing...so anyways, i'm out of things to say... zaijian!

Dvonch - 11/03/00 07:02:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/dvonch0
My Email:fullmonty6@hotmail.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): my pet monkey Bubbles
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): making sure my website kicks yvonne's website's ass

This is one of the strangest webpages I have ever been to. It's very stylish, but the content leaves something to be desired (i.e. pictures of Brian from BSB). Other than that, it's a great site and a great place to plug my site...go there people.

Goddess - 11/03/00 06:04:01
My URL:http://www.imdb.com
My Email:email@dress.com (get it?)
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): my computer
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): sleeping

hey hey. that's right, i'm the goddess and don't anyone forget it. unlike lynn over there, goddess of beauty, i'm the goddess of love (haha...). anyway, i dunno what to write yvonne!! i'll come back later when i have something interesting to say. dam it, hu, that test was too hard! got bad on it!! hmm, i wonder what yvonne's the goddess of... you think about it. gotta get back to choke homework.

PrincessLyn01 - 11/03/00 05:38:22
My Email:lynnkami@hotmail.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): my white playdough
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): being beautiful

While I am entertained by your photo gallery, I can't seem to find your infamous family photos. I found the picture with the supermodel girl and the handsome guy wonderful, but the drawing of the Ebola virus man was disgusting and rather disturbing. I s ggest that you release your pent up frustration and ask Stephen Chun of Sushi Company to Prom. Take care, call Wendy, go out more, and stop looking at peoples underwear.

Yvonne.... - 11/03/00 05:23:31
My Email:ygyc@aol.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): my eyeball
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): digging my eyeball

Hmm... It seems I am lacking some entries. Where are all my dorky friends when I need them? Well, I like this page because it is so cool. Of course, anything I make is always going to be awesome. My guestbook has been malfunctioning these past few day . I believe it is all of Seymour Pitt's fault. He must have dug a hole somewhere and messed up all the connections. Well, I hope this works. Remember, edible spam is good.

d Lau - 11/03/00 05:09:16
My URL:http://www.disney.com
My Email:oh2d@hotmail.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): a book
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): guy watching

This whole thing has been a very bad trick to make me sign your guestbook. It was all a set up and it wasn't very nice... but I'm signing your guestbook anyway. There, are you happy? I don't have a homepage. My favorite toy would be a specific guy... ut I'll put something else I guess.

Skee Lo - 10/30/00 03:02:40
My Email:han_iesu@hotmail.com

i wish i was a little bit taller, i wish i was a baller, i wish i had a girl who looked good i would call her, i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 6'4" impala

Seymour Pitts - 10/30/00 01:07:58
My URL:http://www.disney.com
My Email:digholes@ground.com
Favorite Toy (please, keep it clean): My shovel and me go way back.
Favorite Activity (i.e. brown-nosing): I like to dig holes in the ground like moles.

I like your page a lot. It looks very happy and bright, unlike what it is like in the ground. You must be very cool to have come up with such an interesting page. I must agree the "squishy man" and his woman look very much like they will be living in t e same hole in the ground. Can you get ebola from digging holes? If I get sick, will you cut me open and make me feel better? I really like your page. I'm a straight guy, but I think that lonely Asian man looks good. I really like his car. Remember, f you need any holes to be dug, just call Seymour Pitts. Be cool, stay in school.

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