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All poems copyright (c) 2000-2002, Yuen Kit Mun.

Feel free to distribute if you want to make anyone feel depressed. Just credit me as the author. Originally written for Surfiving.


There's a toothbrush in my pocket
A camera in my bag
Clausewitz is in my palmtop
And the buses go everywhere

But the Discman's on my desktop
The poets have left without a care
And the objects still remain
In the rear view mirror

(2002 Feb)


When giants walked the Earth
The jackals howled and brayed
The armchair generals sneered
And the surfing survivors just played

Repeating the lie that was born
The world wide watched and called names
The giants were too weak, no, too strong
But the giants marched on and were not swayed

It was damned if you do
And damned if you don't
So the liars had their short day
When giants walked the Earth

(2001 Nov)


So the mad man came down from the mountain and took off his tie. He put on his purple boots and flew up into the sky.

Seeing the smoke, the people said, Why, this is good, we might as well all be in bed.

And in every village and in each great town hall, the reindeer wept and played a little football.

While the reflectometrist tried to read a pale graph, the snowman went home and took a warm bath.

The instant legend was poured out of a can. Like the mystic moron, spangled hat in his hand.

For in this average and dark kaleidoscope land. It's not what you are, it's who you pretend.

(2001 Sep)


Hooked on plastic
Hooked on drugs
But it's always the people
Who get the better of us

The genes had their reasons
The genes made it strong
We all get locked up
In some crazy bastard's song

(2001 May)


There are no poets in the city
Just hackers living off the land
They see no truth, only victory
And grab another handful of sand

But the biggest Martian is the poet
The dreamer and the stupid man
Still searching for truth in memories
The arrow flies on still, and lands



No one has reasons
No one has plans
We're all just walking
To a better land

We think it's for something
We think it'll be grand
But still we're just walking
It might as well all be sand

(2001 Mar)


No one else sees
The glint in their eyes
The knives in their hands
Their voluminous lies

Or am I the alien
Paranoid and deranged
Forever wandering
Thorns in my side

(2001 Mar)


Guderian took his new weapon
Shiny and bright
Klotzen, nicht Kleckern
Into the dark Russian night

Even after Stalingrad
Even after Kursk
Still they weren't beaten
Patton could have done worse

It wasn't the winter
It wasn't the hordes
It was the micro-managing corporal
That they had to call boss

So keep your Mansteins
Models, Bayerlins, Nehrings
In the end they didn't matter
They couldn't change a damn thing

(2001 Jan)

The Artist

They said that you crunched numbers
They said that you dressed in blue
But you always were an artist
You just didn't have the MIPS in you

So now you're a GigaHertz hot rod
So now you're a MegaPixel beastie
But people still think you crunch numbers
JPEGs and MPEGs notwhistanding, c'est la vie

(2000 Dec)


Strong Anthropic
People are
Life is

(2000 Sep)


Master of instruments
Overdub King
Still better at Flamenco
As the electric guitar sings

(2000 Sep)

Power trip

The car sang as its V8 inline engine revved. Pistons hammering, high octane fossil hydrocarbon spurting through fuel injectors like in a Messerschmitt 109.

Lean fuel-air mixtures exploded every fourth stroke with high compression ratio, combusting internally and swirl burning in chrome-topped numerically computed chambers. Balanced dual overhead camshafts provided micrometer-precision non-linear actuation.

Synchromesh gears interlocked and torqued through constant contact areas, transmitting loads with nary a tremble. Manifold pressure rose, then held steady, straining against high temperature gaskets, sonic shockwaves rebounding within layered steel exhaust baffles.

But the gleaming disc brakes still refused to yield.

(2000 Jun)

Al's Eyes

Cops and robbers
In the heat of the night
The jester struts on the stage
While the godfather cries

Staring down gangsters
Haunted and gaunt
Laughing like the devil
It must be great to be so alive

(2000 Aug)


I am right.

Do it this way.

See, you messed up.

This was all your idea.

I never said that.

This is the key point.

I have always stressed that.

This was all my idea.

How is your family?

You don't see the big picture.

I thought of that two years ago.

I don't want to talk about that.

They are always poking their noses into our business.

I never think of myself.

I'm doing this for you.

What is your role here?

If we had that then we could do wonders.

It's nothing fantastic.

You are wrong.



The Gunslinger rode out of town, leaving the dead behind.

They had died with their double-action Colts in their hands, barrels smoking, chambers empty.

The died not because they were slow, not because they were stupid. But because they watched too much TV.

You don't win a shootout by being fast. You win by being accurate, no matter what the gurus say.


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