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GNU/Linux and other technical matters
How to Install iptables - LFS-based
My experiences with Linux from Scratch
Using google Efficiently
Rate-limiting using iptables
The Penguin in the Pyramid; Open Source and Egypt
The Little Man in the Brown Hat
The Teardrop Constellation
The Rally of the Pharaohs: Cairo Driving Etiquette
The Isreali-Syrian Conflict: An Extrapolation
Fear and Loathing - The Global Cut
HOWTO for #egypt on the Dalnet IRC network

Published Work

Sloth for Dummies (2) Published in Blue Zone in 2002; the second part of a step-by-step tutorial on how to minimize energy expenditure and general levels of activity for the communal good.

I used vim, bluefish, and The Gimp to make these pages. Thanks to the relevant people. :-)

I may be contacted here. This page is copyleft; that means that if you use any of them in anything, you may be dumb but you're not breaking any law.