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ydentd 0.0.0 RFC 1413 compliant ident server for linux. As the version number implies, pre-release quality code which will never be worked on again. The makefile is rudimentary, and it will require a lot of hacking to set up. But it works. Hint: make gives you a module; put this in your module path, then run the main executable as root. It works well enough, but I'm certain it's buggy as hell. GPL, in case anyone bothers.
My iptables script Again, basic stuff. Designed for the paranoid dialup user; tested on debian only. Requires to be run from /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ such that it gets the NDS servers and local IP assigned from the ppp daemon. Free as in speech.

I used vim, bluefish, and The Gimp to make these pages. Thanks to the relevant people. :-)

I may be contacted here. This page is copyleft; that means that if you use any of them in anything, you may be dumb but you're not breaking any law.