Tips and Hints for New Cub Scout Leaders

Fact: There is a first time for everything.

Fact: Experience is the best teacher.

Following are a few tips and hints for the new Cub Leader. Use them in good health. Please read the disclaimer below.

  • Become a trained leader!

  • Your District has SOMEONE that's in charge of training. Take advantage of it. Go to training. You will meet others like yourself, make friends, make contacts that will help you, and become aware of the wide range of resources available for you as a leader.

  • Read your son's handbook!

  • Sit down soon, turn off the TV and read the handbook from front to back. (Good advice for any parent of a Scout) Someone worked very hard to write it, and besides, it's full of the requirements your son must complete to earn his badge of rank.

    After you've read the handbook, you will know what to incorporate into your den meetings, and everyday life, to help your child, and den, advance in rank. This will also answer many of your questions, and perhaps give you a clue as to what questions you need to be asking of your Pack's experienced leaders.

  • Buy the Cub Scout Leader How To Book!

  • This book is priceless! If you can't afford one, check one out of your Pack Library. (If your Pack doesn't have a library, start one.)

  • Use the Cub Scout Program Helps!

  • This can be purchased at the Scout Store. It is also worth it's weight in gold. It gives suggested activites, songs, games, etc. for every den meeting for every month of the year! Each month is centered around a theme, and that theme is targeted towards one of the rank requirements. For the unimaginative like me, it's a God send!

  • Plan too much!

  • When planning a meeting, plan too much to do. If you don't get to it all, that's OK. Better to plan too much, than run out of activities and be bored. Also, use the activities from the Handbook in your meetings. Why reinvent the wheel when BSA has done it for you?

  • Expect Excellence!

  • Expect the best from your scouts. I don't mean perfection in crafts activites, etc. I mean in behavior, respect for authority and each other. If you expect the best, they will try hard to meet your expectations. (This means that you MUST provide the good example.)

  • Get a Den Chief!

  • A Den Chief is a Boy Scout, First Class or above, who will help you work with the boys. It's good experience for him, and will help you be in two places at once. To find a Den Chief, contact local Boy Scout Troops. Your District Executive can put you in touch with some. If you don't know your District Executive, get his name and phone number from your Cub Master. Or your Cub Master may know of a former Pack member who has gone on to Boy Scouting, and would be willing to help you out. The key is to ask!

  • Involve your Den parents!

  • Get your den parents involved in your meetings and Pack activities. There are several ways to do this:

      The parent who brings snacks stays for the meetings.
      Get to know the parents and their interests/skills. Then ask them to help in areas of their expertise for both Den and Pack activities.
      Get one of your parents to act as Assistant Den Leader.
      Get one of your parents on the Pack Committee. If your Pack doesn't have one, get one of your parents to start it.

    I'm sure you can think of others, but you get the general idea. One good way to insure involvement and attendance is to volunteer the one who is absent. :-)

  • HELP, What do I do now?

  • Keep something in your hip pocket for those times that you (a) run out of things to do with the boys, or (b) are called on for a skit or song and (horrors) you havent's practiced anything. Monthly Round Table is a good place to pick these up. Or look at our SKITS page.

    This may seem like alot, but in practice it's all very simple. I personally believe that you get out of something only what you put in. Therefore, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This can be a very fun time for you as you work with your son. Please enjoy it and have fun!

    I found this web page, it's a real jewel, plus written by someone who has a sense of humor, and has apparently been there. Please check it out if you feel you still need help. This page is also referenced in our LINKS page.

    As a Cub Scout Den Leader, I am available to answer those questions that I can, or point you in the right direction for an answer. If you feel you are bereft on a sea of lonliness and have nowhere to turn for help, you may e-mail me and I will be glad to help.

    Disclaimer - The opionions and ideas expressed here are strictly my own. They should not be interpreted as official Boy Scout of America policy. If there is any resemblence between the abovementioned suggestions and BSA, it's because I've been well trained. If you happen to spot something in here that is in direct conflict with BSA policy, please let me know immediately. I am always in the market to learn something new.

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