First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry

Officers 2009: Business and Field

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Unit Officers
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All leadership positions in the 1st Nebraska are decided upon by a vote of the membership.  Voting is held annually during the January meeting.  An officer holds a term for two years, and may be in office for no more than two terms.  In the event that someone is finishing another person's term, it is possible that he or she may be in office for five consecutive years.  After finishing the second term, the officer is required to step down to allow others to move into that position.  Offices are voted on a rotating basis so that someone with at least one year of experience is in a leadership position at all times.  President, Treasurer, Historian, 1st Lt, 2nd Sgt, and 2nd and 3rd Cpl are voted on during odd numbered years.  Vice President, Secretary, Quartermaster, Captain, 1st Sgt, and 1st Cpl are voted on during even numbered years.  Chaplain, Civilian Coordinator, and members of the Authenticity Committee are one-year terms, with no limit on the number of terms able to serve.

To contact us, we have monthly business meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the basement of the VFW Hall at 33rd and Leavenworth in Omaha, Nebraska.  You can also contact Lloyd Coates in Omaha at 402-498-0837 or Larry Angle in Lincoln at 402-435-0638.


Business Officers Field Officers
President: Rex Wright Captain: Lloyd Coates
Vice President: Jhude Sedlacek 1st Sergeant: TJ Howard
Secretary: Marc Witkovski 2nd Sergeant: Rex Wright
Treasurer: Lloyd Coates 1st Corporal: Bill Deardoff
Historian: Roger Brightwell 2nd Corporal: Gage Stermensky
Civilian Coordinator: Janet Tucker Chaplain: Paul Lahowetz
Quartermaster: TJ Howard  


Authenticity Committee
Larry Angle Rex Wright
Paul Lahowetz Bill Deardoff