Gugus Depan 06005-06006
Scout Movement of Bandung Institute of Technology


Brief History

Scouting in Indonesia started its activities as conducted by Dutch Padvinders during early 1900. Since then, many kind of Scout Groups has founded. Since independence of Republik of Indonesia, scouting developed well. Some of them were established by Religion Movement : e.g. Hisbul Wathon, others were founded by Politics Party, e.g. Pandu Nasional . In 1955, they conducted first Jamboree ever held in independence era.

In 14 August 1961 all of scouting were mixed to one sole body, i.e. Gerakan Pramuka or Scout Movement. The most important reason to be unity was to converge its path of activity and development based on Country Principle Pancasila.

As the years passed by, Gerakan Pramuka has more than 20 million members around Indonesia archipelago. It is conducting the 6th National Jamboree on June 26, 1996 - Juli 4, 1996 at Cibubur Camping Ground.

Basic Terms

How to find out appropriate scout terms in Bahasa Indonesia ?

Age Grouping

Cub Scout / Brownies - Siaga (age 7 up to11)
Boy Scout / Girl Guides - Penggalang (age 11 to 15)
Rover / Ranger - Penegak (over 15 to 17)
Senior Rover / Senior Ranger - Pandega (over 17 to 25)
Scoutmaster / Scout Leader - Pembina

Member of each group above will pass 2 - 3 stages before getting the highest rank in each group : PRAMUKA GARUDA (EAGLE SCOUT).

Scout Units

Crowd of scout will form a unit as follows (each group consist up to 40 members) :

Other Important Terms
Pack - Den/ Six : Perindukan consist of 1 - 4 Barung ( white/ blue colour group)
Troop - Patrol : Pasukan - Regu (e.g. tiger/ eagle patrol for boy scout and rose/ sun flower patrol for girl guide)
Crew - Gang : Ambalan comprises 1 to 4 Sangga (e.g. pioneer/ developer gang)
Clan : Racana - Reka

Some related terms are :

Group House : Sanggar Bakti
Special Mindedness Troop: Satuan Karya (e.g. Sea/ Air Scout)
Unit Leaders Course : Kursus Mahir Dasar/ Lanjutan
National Trainers Course / International Training the Team Course : Kursus Pelatih Dasar / Lanjutan

Official Body

Sponsoring Body : Majelis Pembimbing (e.g. National/ Provincial/ Regency/ District)
Council : Kwartir (e.g. National/ Provincial/ Regency/ District)
Commisioner : Andalan (e.g. National/ Provincial/ Regency/ District)
Rover and Ranger Council : Dewan Kerja (e.g. National/ Provincial)

Scout Programme

Cub/ Brownie Fiesta : Pesta Siaga
Jamborree : Jambore
Scouts Rally : Lomba Tingkat Penggalang
Community Service Camp : Perkemahan Wirakarya
Rover & Ranger Moot : Raimuna
National Conference : Musyawarah Nasional

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